I told you!
I thought I read somewhere that it's increasing, but cd's will always (for a while) be bought.
Honestly, read this and just needed to comment, a band who has been in the business for 10+ years still being devastated by an album leak? No remorse from my end whatsoever. Like...where have they been the past couple years? Impersonating an ostrich? Do they not read the news? Do they not get it? It can't be stopped and will not be stopped, stop fucking crying about it, learn to live with it and eventually try to embrace it.
I'm wondering wich is the song that Jaska said it has the fastest double bass drum ever in COB?
Honestly, read this and just needed to comment, a band who has been in the business for 10+ years still being devastated by an album leak? No remorse from my end whatsoever. Like...where have they been the past couple years? Impersonating an ostrich? Do they not read the news? Do they not get it? It can't be stopped and will not be stopped, stop fucking crying about it, learn to live with it and eventually try to embrace it.
You're retarded...
It doesn't matter how long you've been in the business, or understanding that its "bound" to happen. They put a fuck load of time and money into planning, writing, practicing, recording, promoting, hyping, amongst personality into the album, and some shitfuck leaked it. Thats not at all fair to them in any way and you should at the very least respect their work and what went into making the album. I would be devastated if something I put my heart and time into was stolen like this, regardless of whether or not its "going" to happen.
do you understand what do i mean (and many others) by saying old CoB?You realize apart from Alexander who helped write about 3 songs it's the same CoB? As much as I like black metal, death metal, and progressive metal, thank fuck Alexi learned how to write a song, it wasn't til FTR that writing a good strong metal song really seemed to start meaning a lot to them. I've still only heard 3 songs from Blooddrunk but if it's at least as good as AYDY I'm happy, Fuck another Hatebreeder.
.So when was promotion a bad thing? Theres an old saying that goes like "any press is good press". While shutting the board down is quite extreme, I'd rather see it happen than see these fools fucking cry about something they should have expected before they even started recording the album and furthermore criticizing their fanbase for being curious when the album was leaked.
It really alienates borderline fans.
But it's the same for every band out there; those people who download stuff, do that, and those who buy, still keep buying. I don't know what the percentage of downloads is compared to buying an album and if it's increasing.
You're retarded... It doesn't matter how long you've been in the business, or understanding that its "bound" to happen. They put a fuck load of time and money into planning, writing, practicing, recording, promoting, hyping, amongst personality into the album, and some shitfuck leaked it. Thats not at all fair to them in any way and you should at the very least respect their work and what went into making the album. I would be devastated if something I put my heart and time into was stolen like this, regardless of whether or not its "going" to happen.
So that makes it right? Because it is a "normal" part of our fucked up world to try to sabotage bands profits? Get real.
And as for that "where have they been the last couple of years?" Maybe you didn't know but if i am correct they have been touring since 2005 so theres the answer![]()
I never said it makes it right, I just said this is what is going to happen, and bound to happen for as long as the internet exists. And actually yes it is a norm for me as well as millions of other people, not to deliberately sabotage band profits, but to listen to the album before its actual release. This is how it is always going to be from now on, people need to learn to deal with it.
Despite being on tour or not I said this before, they should have expected it the moment they started recording the new album.
Life is not fair, deal with it.
You would make a horrible businessman. This is a business.
Go cry in a corner and listen to some Bright Eyes.
edit: I don't need to respect shit, especially if A)I dislike the album B) I Don't agree with the way they responded to the leak, its that simple.
Oh man, you're fucking dumber than I thought. How is someone leaking an album AT ALL related to general business practice? Aside from killing the market for the initial release, hurting record sales and fucking with the music industry, and uhh.. .causing the band to lose money? The person who leaked this is not gaining any profit, so that would mean that the money lost in the ways I listed (The shrink rate of the music industry) is simply lost revenue. Thats NOT GOOD BUSINESS, businessman. BLACK GOODS ARE NOTHING BUT A LOSS IN PROFIT.
You want to talk about horrible business? Tell you what, businessman... Go get youself a company, let me steal your product and leak it to everyone for zero profit.. Thats fantastic business! Then you can go cry in the corner and listen to Bright Eyes. Oh, and an other thing.. Cut your fucking hair and learn general business practice before you try to tell my anything about business, wanker.
Lots of chat deleted. Since the derailing is often done by the same people, it's starting to be a pretty tempting option to just simply delete your user accounts the next time to save me some time.
I recieved an e-mail from what records saying that my copy of the blooddrunk single UK edition was dispatched todayI should be recieving it soon.
Oh, and also you guys wanna stop the bullshit abut leaks and the music business:
I already had it yesterday...i play it constantly![]()