Well, I've given up on hoping that the band will completely sound like old Bodom. That will always be my favorite Bodom, but I realize now that the band's chemistry, as well as Alexi's writing style, has changed too much to get a full album of Hatebreeder V2. Sure, there's flickers here or there, but that's it.

But, I must give credit where it is due. This new album is kickass.
^That's what many many people should do. Nice to hear you did. Anyway, I'm not sure I'd like Hatebreeder V2 (or FTR v2 or SW v2 or whatever), not because they aren't kickass albums, but because it might somehow make them be not that unique.

^^Same here :kickass: I have my favourite and less favourite, but I like them all. I used to hate Downfall and ETID but that was before seeing them played live with my eyes, :lol: Even though I might end up hating Downfall again if they don't stop ending concerts up with it, :lol:
Not really...Bodom have never made a similar album to the previous one. Hatebreeder and Something wild is really different and Hatebreeder and FTR is different(these albums are closer to each other than any other to this point though). That purely makes it unbelievable how they have maintaned the "bodom sound" this long IMO.

Seriously, I think this is the smartest thing you have ever said on this forum. But the last sentence...well, I think they have definitely lost that "old Bodom" feel, but they do maintain an overall Bodom feel.

To be honest, I think Alexi just writes based on what he wants to write at the time, Hatebreeder was a very dark album, and Follow the Reaper was in parts, but also a very melodic album, and from then one I think he's been more into real heavy-ass riffs, while still keeping a fair bit of melody. I think Blooddrunk is kinda like Follow the Reaper but with way more riffage. Personally I think FtR was their best era, but it's not likely that if they bought out a new album in the same style that it would be equally as good if not better, because FtR was on the money. So sometimes it's best to experiment a bit. Ultimately they are writing music they enjoy and it sounds pretty wicked no matter what album you like most. So lets not have topics with 2900+ posts arguing about their direction haha.

well said. you're a smart dude. I just wish he wasn't so much into the whole "riffage" thing now days...sticking with the melodies a bit more would be better.
I don't give a föck about this "old" style-bodom or the newer style but if I want something old I listen to FTR or Hatebreeder you know, but all music that has come from Bodom fits my ears.. just a matter of my mood
well said. you're a smart dude. I just wish he wasn't so much into the whole "riffage" thing now days...sticking with the melodies a bit more would be better.

Wait until Sins Of The Past ................................. :D

God I really hope they DO finish it and release it. Maybe touring is too much, but finishing an almost done album I think is not that much asking, isn't it? :)
Dead serious. There's not a lot of songs that really clicked with me. Plus, most of the songs are just so upbeat-sounding, it's not funny.
Well i've just listened to the songs on there myspace page. I was trying to wait untill i got the actual album but...i couldn't wait no longer! >.< Sounds pretty good so far :D My favourite is 'Done with Everything, Die for Nothing', I love the chorus!
Dead serious. There's not a lot of songs that really clicked with me. Plus, most of the songs are just so upbeat-sounding, it's not funny.

Alot of their songs are a little upbeat sounding. I think alot of the earlier stuff can be especially that way. Hatebreeder has parts which sound really upbeat to me. I like that pompous shit.
I wouldn't really say they're upbeat sounding...I mean he still uses the minor scales all over the place. But I'd say they were just way more melody-filled back then.
Now you've confused me. How can you hate Blooddrunk if you think HCD was an amazing release??? :ill: They are the most similar sounding Bodom albums except perhaps SW and HB.

Anyway, fucking agreed about HCD, it was a kickass album from start to end. My least favourite is Triple Corpse Hammerblow and it still kicks ass. I got tired of Needled at some time of so much listening, but now it's in my top again, :lol: