Maybe it's gay to open a new thread for it, so I'm gonna post my thoughts on Blooddrunk here.
Obviously all the long time members have been aware during the past couple of years how much I've been bitching on this forum and speculating about the new album, following every step to it's birth. Meaning it's kind of big deal to me. Now the album is in my shelf and I'm like wtf when I think back the days when the whole thing was just a rumour.
Anyways, the style and the general sound were just what I expected, no surprises. Very good sound, nothing's fucked up, everything's improved, even vocals. Sort of like T,L&S but not as technical, there's some old school feel in Blooddrunk.
Hellhounds On My Trail - Nothing revolutionary with this song, but what a kickass heavy metal assault. Strong feeling of being haunted / traced. Badass.
Blooddrunk - This is the Rock'n'Roll shit. The cheesy keyboard sound serves by making the guitars etc seem all the more menacing. Can't wait to see/hear/feel it live in 8 weeks.
Lobodomy - Black metalish. Turn off the speakers and listen to the sub-woofer and try to count those double-bass kicks. I love the part before the solo melodies start. You feel like you're on a clinic having some retarded operation.
One Day You Will Cry - World class shit, what a classic song. Amazing structure, pure innovation.. The intro, the heaviness, the vocals, the miami vice kinda melody, the breakdown before the last chorus, and the finish. And this is what some people call just normal hardcore metal?
Smile Pretty for the Devil - The best riff on the album was wasted in this song in a disappointing way. I'm not comfortable at all with this, seeing one of the best headbang riffs of my favourite band being thrown away.
Tie My Rope - This song made my stomach hurt for a long time. What a fucking amazing improvement from the demo. The guitar strikes after verse 1 & 2 should be heavier, that's the only minus. New solo with the bass riffs and drums is pure orgasm.
Done With Everything, Die for Nothing - This song has an amazing final second.
Banned from Heaven - Ultra amazing headbanger ballad and one of the best COB songs ever. When the song starts beating up, you figure whoever wrote this is one fucking big genious.
Roadkill Morning - You don't hear a lot of Bodom songs starting off with vocals. There's some kickass keyboard beats and an interesting section with that AYDY themed vibrating guitar.
Overall a very strong album, no brilliant stand-outs like Silent Night, Bodom Night or Living Dead Beat or whatever, but songs 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 are easily labeled great songs.
Blooddrunk makes me wanna listen to Follow the Reaper because you feel like you need some fresh keyboards and stuff after all this heaviness going on.
For the love of god, shut the fuck up with this fucking bullshit you silly cunt.
Fuck you.