Hey I'm new here, why does everyone hate Joonas? And Blooddrunk, I guess it's ok, I mean I never judge a book just for the cover.

Joonas tend to express is opnion really often and most people can't see it's only opinion and take him too seriously. So when he express his mind about something everybody tells him to "shut the fuck up and stop speculating".

sorry man, but I gotta disagree. I know lots of people (including myself) who can talk about their emotions better when drunk.

(Necro: I agree with you, this post isn't against you by the way :lol:) You can't deny that, that's a fact. I mean, that's the mean goal of alcool in general.
- The band (Hatebreed) was founded in November of 1993 by Jamey Jasta, Dave Russo, Larry Dwyer, and Chris Beattie.

- The second album, Hatebreeder, was recorded between the end of 1998 and the beginning of 1999.
I lol'd but Swabs is better than you..

.. at almost everything.:p
Nah....Swabs is a idiot with a IQ level of a dog...i dont respect his inneccesary bashing of people all t3h time. I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be swabsie:lol:
wtf? do you ever make sense? this demonstrates the rational thinking skills of a 2 year old ffs.

This demonstrates you can't shut up and don't have intelligence at all. I do make sense...i hate swabs and he hates me! You got a problem with that? Then kiss my ass fucker! I just can't see your point in that post...better shut up about things you dont know ffs :lol: I did not see the "rational bad thinking"...If i want to call him a retarded stereotype then i will. Its not gramatically correct but shit happens. Maybe his bashing compensates for something else? I don't know :erk:
buttsecks? :(

I'm not sure about that :p.

Nah....Swabs is a idiot with a IQ level of a dog...i dont respect his inneccesary bashing of people all t3h time. I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be swabsie:lol:

This demonstrates you can't shut up and don't have intelligence at all. I do make sense...i hate swabs and he hates me! You got a problem with that? Then kiss my ass fucker! I just can't see your point in that post...better shut up about things you dont know ffs :lol: I did not see the "rational bad thinking"...If i want to call him a retarded stereotype then i will. Its not gramatically correct but shit happens. Maybe his bashing compensates for something else? I don't know :erk:

Actually, Swabs is way more respected than you are. Remember, it's THE INTERNET :lol:. Theres no point in getting mad. By the way, he *may?* have the IQ of a dog, but I'm sure he still has twice your IQ.

Let's not continue, since it's a discussion about the new album and not a "Phenom vs. Swabs" thread!
I'm not sure about that :p.

Actually, Swabs is way more respected than you are. Remember, it's THE INTERNET :lol:. Theres no point in getting mad. By the way, he *may?* have the IQ of a dog, but I'm sure he still has twice your IQ.

Let's not continue, since it's a discussion about the new album and not a "Phenom vs. Swabs" thread!

I didnt get mad :p Yeah he might be more respected but he is a annoyance to me. Prove it!:p If he had twice my IQ he wouldn't go round bashing everyone for nothing now stop licking swabs asshole and be fair :lol: yeah lets discuss album.
I didnt get mad :p Yeah he might be more respected but he is a annoyance to me. Prove it!:p If he had twice my IQ he wouldn't go round bashing everyone for nothing now stop licking swabs asshole and be fair :lol: yeah lets discuss album.

I'm not "Licking Swab's asshole", I just find you very annoying most of the times but yeah, I agree with the album thing :p.
sorry man, but I gotta disagree. I know lots of people (including myself) who can talk about their emotions better when drunk.

I didn't mean the emotions part :lol: Ofc that's true, hell i know from experience :lol:

I meant the "OMG ALCOHOL = METAL" thing is a retarded immature stereotype :p

*ignores the phenoms hilariously terrible posts*

t3h t3h t3h t3h

I'm not "Licking Swab's asshole", I just find you very annoying most of the times but yeah, I agree with the album thing :p.

And i absolutely don't know why:lol: I dont POST THAT MUCH here and if its something annoying its the stuff i say against swabs but yeah. lets continue album talk.