I didn't mean the emotions part :lol: Ofc that's true, hell i know from experience :lol:

I meant the "OMG ALCOHOL = METAL" thing is a retarded immature stereotype :p

*ignores the phenoms hilariously terrible posts*

t3h t3h t3h t3h

k, on THAT I can agree. also, you listen to nevermore, so you're right.
I'm not sure about that :p.

Actually, Swabs is way more respected than you are. Remember, it's THE INTERNET :lol:. Theres no point in getting mad. By the way, he *may?* have the IQ of a dog, but I'm sure he still has twice your IQ.

Let's not continue, since it's a discussion about the new album and not a "Phenom vs. Swabs" thread!

I think ppl have different opinions and it's good that way. maybe swabs sounds harsh from time to time but i had a discussion with him about not a long time ago and i don't wanna warm up this rite now.
@matias: i have to say u shouldn't go on that level where ppl start insulting each other. if u start insulting someone ur just one the same level with the persosns which insult without any reasons and that's absolutely not worth it at all.
I think ppl have different opinions and it's good that way. maybe swabs sounds harsh from time to time but i had a discussion with him about not a long time ago and i don't wanna warm up this rite now.
@matias: i have to say u shouldn't go on that level where ppl start insulting each other. if u start insulting someone ur just one the same level with the persosns which insult without any reasons and that's absolutely not worth it at all.

Thats not the fucking point.If Alexi has been drunk more often whilst writting the new album,then some of that intensity will spill over into the writting process.Thus making a faster album.As opposed to breaking an arm and being restricted to boredom for 2 months like he was before he wrote AYDY.

Great logic, except that who says that being drunk all the time means more intensity in the music? Do you even drink? Regardless of if you do or not, I know i'll be seeing a "Yeeahh i drink all kindss!!!1" because you are a dumbass who so sincerely believes in his own opinions that you must certainly be right, and won't back down.

Being drunk all the time while writing the music would have no effect on its intensity, plain and simple.
I swear to god, all you retards on here are going to ruin the album for yourselves by over-speculating, and making connections that don't exist...
I swear to god, all you retards on here are going to ruin the album for yourselves by over-speculating, and making connections that don't exist...

I know. Waiting for something to become the Ultimate album will always turn a disappointment. I'm just looking forward to some cool thrash riffs and that kinda shit. But lot's cooler than anything else out there.
Great logic, except that who says that being drunk all the time means more intensity in the music? Do you even drink? Regardless of if you do or not, I know i'll be seeing a "Yeeahh i drink all kindss!!!1" because you are a dumbass who so sincerely believes in his own opinions that you must certainly be right, and won't back down.

Being drunk all the time while writing the music would have no effect on its intensity, plain and simple.

Where the fuck did you come from?

I know i regularly spend my time on this forum denouncing others.Whats the point of a forum again?Oh yeah sharing your opinions with others.
Nah....Swabs is a idiot with a IQ level of a dog...i dont respect his inneccesary bashing of people all t3h time. I sure as hell wouldn't wanna be swabsie:lol:

This demonstrates you can't shut up and don't have intelligence at all. I do make sense...i hate swabs and he hates me! You got a problem with that? Then kiss my ass fucker! I just can't see your point in that post...better shut up about things you dont know ffs :lol: I did not see the "rational bad thinking"...If i want to call him a retarded stereotype then i will. Its not gramatically correct but shit happens. Maybe his bashing compensates for something else? I don't know :erk:

did this all come from your ass? you're just immature. holding internet grudges are so lawl in the first place, and frankly Swabs has way more interesting shit to say than you. if you can't take it, then gtfo.

^what did u just see ur mum or why do u laugh?

:lol: because you're fucking retarded
did this all come from your ass? you're just immature. holding internet grudges are so lawl in the first place, and frankly Swabs has way more interesting shit to say than you. if you can't take it, then gtfo.

:lol: because you're fucking retarded

You are mentally disturbed. Why do you even care?:erk: I dont have a real grudge against him im just annoyed at him commenting my every move sometimes like a hawk but im starting to think you are way more annoying now since you cant shut up at the right time :lol::erk: Frickin shredtesticle :) If you were smart in the first place and so annoyed at me you would not even read my posts so good luck with that:lol: The fact you are calling everyone retards makes you alot more immature than me...just quit this bullshitting/know-it-all-attitude and return to your fapping:lol:

:lol: because you're fucking retarded
That didn't make any sense. Gtfo troll nobody cares anyway! It wasnt even a good response to what flyingv_guy said. You seem to :lol: about yourself alot. Well Goddamn! Im glad atleast someone thinks youre funny :rolleyes: A hint:Calling everyone retards does not make you cool :rolleyes:
The vocals are done now as well so logically the texts are ready too so it won't take long till they figure the names.. and bring that fucking TV shit on, been waiting for what, 8 months..