Yeah that would be COMPLETELY INSANE!!




My point is, they've set a tradition to have nine original songs on each album. There's really no reason why they'd want to break that tradition.

And if they really wanted ten original songs, they could release one as a B-side like they did with Knuckleduster.

On a side note, everyone shut up with the Joonas bashing. All I see whenever he posts is the inane "lalwl u r retarzdors!!11!!"-type posts, and it's just annoying. Joonas may get carried away at times, but at least his posts are respectful and at times, interesting. It's that kind of behaviour that's turned the CoB board into such a shithole. [/rant]
My point is, they've set a tradition to have nine original songs on each album. There's really no reason why they'd want to break that tradition.

And if they really wanted ten original songs, they could release one as a B-side like they did with Knuckleduster.

On a side note, everyone shut up with the Joonas bashing. All I see whenever he posts is the inane "lalwl u r retarzdors!!11!!"-type posts, and it's just annoying. Joonas may get carried away at times, but at least his posts are respectful and at times, interesting. It's that kind of behaviour that's turned the CoB board into such a shithole. [/rant]

wow, i had a hard time wading through the shit to reply to this.

if they want to make 10 songs who gives a shit, its not like alexi kicked everyone out of the band and decided to go COB solo etc, its one more fucking song ffs :lol:

the insane anal-retentiveness of some people is just mind boggling.
wow, i had a hard time wading through the shit to reply to this.

if they want to make 10 songs who gives a shit, its not like alexi kicked everyone out of the band and decided to go COB solo etc, its one more fucking song ffs :lol:

the insane anal-retentiveness of some people is just mind boggling.

Wow. I didn't think I'd have this hard of a time getting through to people. :rolleyes:

I'm not anal-retentive; I would not complain if CoB decided to include ten songs on the next album. But they've done nine songs on the past four albums; they've established a precedent; tell me, what exactly is the band's incentive, to break that streak?

Why would they change something that works?
IMO I kinda doubt that the number of tracks per album is that important to the band though. Alexi seems kind of impulsive and it would seem weird for him to care about a 9 song rule. Their incentive would be if they wrote a tenth song that was album-worthy. FtR had 8 songs until the very last minute didn't it?
IMO I kinda doubt that the number of tracks per album is that important to the band though. Alexi seems kind of impulsive and it would seem weird for him to care about a 9 song rule. Their incentive would be if they wrote a tenth song that was album-worthy. FtR had 8 songs until the very last minute didn't it?

Yes, but up until that point, Hatebreeder was the only 9-song album; no prec. So moot point.

I doubt that the band doesn't care about having 9 songs or 10; they're going to sell the same general number of copies regardless (I know I'd buy it either way).

Setting aside one of the ten songs to be a B-side on a single, would more than likely up sales for the single, while still keeping album sales generally the same (see my above point in parentheses). Which would be a better plan, IMO.
But I'm saying that if having 9 tracks for FtR wasn't important initially, then why now? I mean adding a ninth track to add length is one thing, but I don't think he added Kissing the Shadows because he wanted exactly 9 tracks.

I agree with you about the b-side on the single though. That's what I was hoping for with the upcoming ep but it seems it won't happen
Wow. I didn't think I'd have this hard of a time getting through to people. :rolleyes:

I'm not anal-retentive; I would not complain if CoB decided to include ten songs on the next album. But they've done nine songs on the past four albums; they've established a precedent; tell me, what exactly is the band's incentive, to break that streak?

Why would they change something that works?

having 9 songs per album is not what made the albums good ffs.