Was supposed to be in your head. Do you realize the Reaper has always been same colour as the background? Just be careful with posting stupid theories.

If you watch carefully you can see that the background is same colour as the reaper.They Have just added the black colour on it. (somewhere near to text cob there is the head of the reaper and then there is the background.) Also you can see some blue dots there and there.
Sounds like they did it again, strap your fucking nuts to your leg cause this album will blow you the fuck away!!! i`m reeeeeally looking forward to Roadkill Morning...sounds badass..
maybe you should watch more carefully.
if i would change the background more then i already did lets say for example adding blue fog like in FTR album that would be new design. i just changed what they already have so far
Am I the only one who is really having trouble seeing any sort of head for the reaper on the new cover? Like, I can see what I think is a head, but it really isn't defined. Like I can't even see a hood.
^The reaper is looking left, interesting you can't define the face.

To rest of you: it's not blue, end of story. You need to argue about everything with me, but this should prove difficult.
Am I the only one who is really having trouble seeing any sort of head for the reaper on the new cover? Like, I can see what I think is a head, but it really isn't defined. Like I can't even see a hood.


Is it clear now?
^I still think the same but how do you know? Are you Joonasing now? :lol:

Hahaha,theres alot of flaws on the cover. The quality looks a little poor and it looks like it lacks definetion on the outlines. Especially the reapers outline. And his cloak that covers his left arm looks like a butterfly.:lol:
Is the second video just a jam session,or is it a new song. If its a new song,then holy fuck thats sick.

You didn't recognize Sioux City? :lol: Well one of those that isn't posted here is not a new COB song either but some other guitarist's material, just to make sure no-one starts screaming about it..
PART 2: I added the titles, because the mag didn't have them yet.

The songs of BLOODDRUNK

1. Hellhounds On My Trail
- Old school thrasher, Destruction at it's best. Keyboard-walls give additional solidity. In the bridge and the chorus, the tempo decreases a bit. After an anthem-like part with double-bass and keys, again thrash: Uffta-Uffta plus Slayer-solo.
Fast Opener, but still traditional CoB.

2. Blooddrunk
- Gang-shouts show that it's the title track. At the beginning keyboard-stuff, than double-bass. In the further progress: breakdowns, doublebass, whispering voice. When the band plays mid-tempo, their rock-appeal becomes visible. Alexi's singing reminds of Jeff Walker from mighty Carcass and some arrangements of the verses remind of the british death/grind legend too.

3. LoBodomy
- LoBodomy is clearly a song of the category "Angels Don't Kill". Stamping at the beginning - but all in all just "reduced" thrash. At the end: wild solo-guitar stuff. Not a "dangerous" song.

4. One Day You Will Cry
- Intro with keyboard-pads in the style of the 80s. Then wild riffing and drumming. After that vehement beginning the song proceeds in midtempo with many melodies. Later the song goes faster again with the repeated intro. It ends with a short breakdown-passage.

5. Smile Pretty For The Devil
- Many tempo-changes dominate the 5th track. The firm snare urges the song. Thrash-like, fast, hard riffing - that's what the CoB-Fan likes. Typical CoB-Melodies during the bridge, Solo-Stuff at the end.

6. Tie My Rope
- Janne Warmans's keys were and are essential for the CoB-Sound. That gets visible one more time at the beginning of Tie My Rope. Stamping Power Metal and high speed are the basis of the song. Gang shouts, fast forward.

7. Done With Everything, Die For Nothing
- Rough Riffing lies on the typical keyboard ground. Finally the thrash-club is raised again - sadly just for a short time because of a break and midtempo parts. Only during the leadguitar-parts, the speed increases again. Before the faster part at the end: Guitar/Keyboard-duels.

8. Banned From Heaven
Hi-Hat-Intermezzo in the intro. The track starts with a half-acoustic, balladesc part. Then it gets harder again: Midtempo with doublebass. Again a song which reminds of Angel's don't kill. Because of the constant double bass, it reminds of the slow, epic Hypocrisy songs (Roswell 47) too. Wild soloing at the end.

9. Roadkill Morning
The band saved the maybe best song up. Out of nothing comes a furious thrash-grenade, only interrupted by short midtempo stuff. Later, keyboards dominate ontop of interesting guitar parts. A Power Metal part is played right before the song ends in a Death/Thrash-Inferno.

All in All:
Not much new at Bodom's place, but the speed increased enormously compared to AYDY. One or two weaker songs, but this opinion can change after a longer analysis.​

Fantastic! Thanks for the translation.