To clear out some shit that appeared on some recent posts, the single is atm scheduled for an early March release and album for early April release.. months 3 and 4, ok..
I'm sure this monday morning Henkka will report that guitars are half or almost done, and he's so eager to get jamming with his bass.
I'm sure this monday morning Henkka will report that guitars are half or almost done, and he's so eager to get jamming with his bass.

What the fuck is wrong with you!? You're not a psychic. Please stop with the retarded specualations before you lose all of your dignitiy.
Well this was posted in the Piccies thread, so I though it would make sense if it was posted here too. Considering that's pretty much definately stuff from the nw album

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latest news from
November 6th

The darkness is crazy, it s also funny how it surprises everytime. At 6 pm its totally dark. And the days are getting shorter shorter and shorter. And it rains!

But inside the studio it is nice and warm. The bass tracks were done last week and at the moment Alexi is finishing his solos. That means that all that is left is the keyboard sounds, and vocals. Janne has already started working last week and he has recorded most of his stuff, but later on we still have to choose the sounds, the final sounds. So next week will be exciting, when we start choosing sounds, and recording the vocals. It s also the last week in the studio.

Fuck yes, i can't wait for the new album! That is the most exciting thing i'v ever heard! Alexi and the rest of bodom are going to do an amazing job with it!!!! Best of all, i can't wait for them to tour the world. Hopefully, they won't fuck up too much on stage.
The album is nearing completion, just a couple days left and the vocals are done and keys finished. We'll soon find out the album title and song names!