I wouldnt even want to see it in the video versus other song relevant imagery, or at least something better than the "Show band playing single next to something random and creepy" vid treatement, but scenes of Alexi cutting etc wouldnt promote those acts more than the song does. Nor would it promote cutting more than THIS video promotes ballroom dancing with a mannequin.

Not putting something artistically relevant in the video because some impressionable teens might watch it would be stupid.

13 yr olds cutting themselves to Bodom videos it NOT an issue between the kid and bodom, its an issue that involves the 13yr old kid and their parents.
Anyone else think that the cover for the single looks waaay better than the one for the actual album?

I think the covers should be the other way around...
At whoever said they didn't get why the dummies were there.....Here's what I got out of it. The ghosts are trying to live like they used to, and they introduce dummies & dolls into the scenario because they're fucking crazy ghosts! Hah, naw, but at about 25 seconds into the video, the old woman & the woman with the doll who's head has been smashed look at each other, and immediately look away after they make eye contact. Like they know they're living lies, trying to live the way they used to, and the woman with the doll feels especially exposed, so they look away to continue their pretending.
But what I thought that could be is a reflection of Alexi's (or the bands) drinking? "Ready for another drink anyone?!?" (Or does it say "anyway") Anyway, the ghosts are trying to be like they used to be, but it's all fake. Drinking a lot, and hurting yourself by doing stupid shit thinking you're Superman....Booze is letting you live in a dream when you're drunk.

I actually like your theory :)

Edit: I like this song even more than before after seeing the video.
I hate to say it, but I fucking hate this video. I'm sick of seeing IDIOT directors wreck a bands music and image with some stupid, pointless, artsy crap. Children of Bodom are not an art fag band, Blooddrunk is not a song about a gay little ghost town filled with stupid old people and little kids, it's totally irrelevant, and I think I like it even less than the AYDY video, which I despise. I hope the other video is better because the video team should be hung for this one.
I hate those videos where the band is playing and the playing/singing isn't synchronized. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
I hate to say it, but I fucking hate this video. I'm sick of seeing IDIOT directors wreck a bands music and image with some stupid, pointless, artsy crap. Children of Bodom are not an art fag band, Blooddrunk is not a song about a gay little ghost town filled with stupid old people and little kids, it's totally irrelevant, and I think I like it even less than the AYDY video, which I despise. I hope the other video is better because the video team should be hung for this one.

Words of wisdom.
I hate to say it, but I fucking hate this video. I'm sick of seeing IDIOT directors wreck a bands music and image with some stupid, pointless, artsy crap. Children of Bodom are not an art fag band, Blooddrunk is not a song about a gay little ghost town filled with stupid old people and little kids, it's totally irrelevant, and I think I like it even less than the AYDY video, which I despise. I hope the other video is better because the video team should be hung for this one.

Yes i was wondering...maybe Alexi will get freakin pissed for that one!
T,L&S remains their best video. Plus the scenes in Everytime I Die where the band is playing.

Yeah I agree on Trashed Lost And Strung Out. Well the Blooddrunk parts when the band plays are similar to that video.

I kinda like the Are You Dead Yet video too. I think it's because i dig that chick a bit.
Welll... I want to go to that Ghost Town. I love that sort of thing.. XD

But the video wasn't so good. I like the TL&S one a lot better. Even Sixpounder, and Everytime I Die when the band is playing.

All in all I thought the video was pretty weak. Something like they did for Downfall might've been more suiting..

Better luck next time I guess. :lol: