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A band is depending on one simple and only thing to become"bigger" nowadays dudies :
the money his record compay is spreading around to do the promo stuff...Trust me.
If MFN would have been EMI instead (ow no, this is a bad example :cry: ), but let's say Sony...They would have been able to pay te right price to put their bands like Anathema on the radio shows, make some more videos, and buy some big ads in Rolling Stones and stuff...

So forget about the doom roots, the metal spirit or any other can always hide your past from the press if you are powerfull. Ever heard about the two metal albums Moby recorded, before doing his gospel-pop ?? Hehehe, maybe few of you did, but most didn't, I'm quite sure.
This is all about money and that's all. :mad:
Yeah, his music was quite industrial, but deffo, he was doing heavy stuffs !...I even saw him in concert opening for ...erm...can't rememeber was in 1997 or smthg...
hehehe, thanx Don !! You're absolutely right, he was playing guitar at that gig !

And yes, if Anathema earns more money with their albums, they could come over here then and do a big tour in France ;)

Up the mess !!
Maybe someone in Anathema should have slept with someone in the record industry- its sick - but in some cases true- hey you guys still have time-do it while your young.
I think the biggest problem is the label- if the band has no label support- they are not going to get bigger unless they get very lucky with a bigger record label. Over here in the U.S. one might as well forget ever getting on the radio unless signed to a major label with deep pockets- and underground metal magazines are just not enough to spread the word.
Originally posted by pagan2002

* anathema might have been a huge band if they hadnt started out in the doom metal scene...

...for me anathema is one of the hugest band, so....for my part it's o.k.....but you would deserve more attention. The question is if you really want it!
Originally posted by Strangelight
If Serenades had have been released a bit earlier and we were a bit more focused we could have outfunned PL I reckon
i think that the present anathema shouldn't worry about outfunning PL, coz they're alredy dead imho...
* anathema would be a bigger band if they were proper metal mixed with the gentle stuff...instead of having a 'soft' reputation
* anathema might have been a huge band if they hadnt started out in the doom metal scene...
I think that it is a part of progress, musically, and growth as humans the musical direction of Anathema. I mean you left behind the doom-death elements in your music.
Anathema might have been a huge band if they weren't been introduced ,NOWDAYS, as a metal band 'cause,NOW they aren'y a metal band.
If Anathema hadnt started out in the doom metal scene... they wouldn't be anything nobody would knew them, because even know the base of their fans are metalheads as far as i know and see. And you have to aprecciate that, i think. Your only chance to be a huge band is a contract with a with SONY or smth like that which will introduce you to the audience as the new big rck band in the footsteps of Pink Floyd, Radiohead etc. Just my thoughts... Danny!

No it doesn't. Look at Radiohead. Making loads of cash AND great music... Youjust need fair contract terms...