New album update

Listened to the album 3 or 4 times in a row.

Here's my two cents:

It's so mediocre, it hurts. "Breathing Lightning" is almost embarrassing. The chorus on that song would make Mötley Crüe and Nickelback proud. SO cheesy.

Maybe i've outgrown the band. But i still LOVE everything they did until 1991. I even like SOWN and some songs in WM. And i spin those albums frequently. So, that's probably not the case.

In my opinion, this record is so bland, so flat, predictable and cheesy, i can't even understand the praise it's getting.

Are people in denial or am i just not getting it? Is this a good album by Anthrax's standards? Obviously NOT (pun intended).
It's an average hard rock album with hints of modern day metal, and a thrashy song (Zero Tolerance).

On the plus side, the musicianship is very good. Charlie is great as always, Frankie has a great tone, Scott is solid, and Jon's leads are a bit masturbatory, but they fit the music. Joey has lost it. He became a parody of himself, without even realizing it. The stupid vibratos, the nasal-sounding tone... He'll never go back to the balance between classic, but tasteful and intense at the same time. Like he did on POT, for example.

Obviously, good musicianship doesn't mean good songwriting.

But to each his own.

It's just my opinion, hope everybody can respect it.
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Each to there own but I'm loving it,metal has become so bland and boring for me to an extent so it's nice that anthrax aren't stuck on the dark ages ,let's face it who out of the big four could do an album even half as good as the new anthrax,I'm happy with the progression from worship to for all kings
Ok listened to it a couple of times.
I'm undecided yet but it's growing on me. Some songs stand out for sure but some are like hmmmm.

It sounded very bland at times but it does have a great couple of opening songs.

The odd thing for me is that at times I was thinking this doesn't sound like Anthrax ... but then I hear other things and think that's defo Anthrax. This coming from someone who's been a fan since the late 80s.

It doesn't sound as heavy as I expected either (that's not saying it's soft either) - more melodic and thrashier but it isn't as crushing as I would've thought. If anything it seems more epic and grander rather than balls out heavy.

The one thing that really hit me in a good way was Donais' leads. They are brilliant and different.

I think I just need to give it a few more listens but I will say this - I've loved all their previous albums and they've usually grabbed me by the throat after the first listen - so this is a first for me to be in a state of limbo on it.
Listened to the album 3 or 4 times in a row.

Here's my two cents:

It's so mediocre, it hurts. "Breathing Lightning" is almost embarrassing. The chorus on that song would make Mötley Crüe and Nickelback proud. SO cheesy.

Maybe i've outgrown the band. But i still LOVE everything they did until 1991. I even like SOWN and some songs in WM. And i spin those albums frequently. So, that's probably not the case.

In my opinion, this record is so bland, so flat, predictable and cheesy, i can't even understand the praise it's getting.

Are people in denial or am i just not getting it? Is this a good album by Anthrax's standards? Obviously NOT (pun intended).
It's an average hard rock album with hints of modern day metal, and a thrashy song (Zero Tolerance).

On the plus side, the musicianship is very good. Charlie is great as always, Frankie has a great tone, Scott is solid, and Jon's leads are a bit masturbatory, but they fit the music. Joey has lost it. He became a parody of himself, without even realizing it. The stupid vibratos, the nasal-sounding tone... He'll never go back to the balance between classic, but tasteful and intense at the same time. Like he did on POT, for example.

Obviously, good musicianship doesn't mean good songwriting.

But to each his own.

It's just my opinion, hope everybody can respect it.

Then what is 'You Gotta Believe" if not a thrashy song?
It will grow on you alias,I know the tunes your probably referring to,I'm starting to digest the 2nd half of album and soak it right up,I'm loving the battle chose us ,dead eagle wings,all of them thieves,among my favourites now
@mrthrax had another good solid listen and yes, it is growing on me for sure. Dare I say it at times I'm hearing vibes of their cousins in the Big 4. The most impressive thing for me though is Donais' leads. That guy really is a standout so far on this album.
Then what is 'You Gotta Believe" if not a thrashy song?

You are right. "You Gotta Believe" is indeed a thrashy song. Not a full on thrash song, but thrashy. As is "Evil Twin".

And i like those songs. I really do. The musicianship is on the same level as the songwriting. The clean bridge on "YGB" creates an interesting build up and gives the song some really good dynamics.

"Evil Twin" is also very good, but it's been out for a while, that's why i didn't mention it.

I was just giving my general opinion about the album, and the expectations that were created around it.

As i mentioned before, the musicianship is really good. The band delivers, and Jon is a great guitar player. His solos are really precise and well constructed. Sometimes they could be a bit more simple, but they aren't overdone. They make the band sound like classic Anthrax, when they appear.

Which makes the whole thing even more frustrating.

They added the perfect guy for the lead work, the band sounds tight, but the songs sound bland and flat. It's not an appealing album to me. Not something i want to listen again, with the exception of the 3 mentioned tracks.
It's boring and uninspired. And it could have been great. Anthrax had all the elements to make a classic album, and chose to play it safe. That's what it sounds like when i listen to the album.

With the exception of "Breathing Lightning", i don't hate any other song. I just don't think they are strong enough, by Anthrax's standards. Not because they aren't thrash, just because they sound redundant and uninspired. Safe. It's like listening to a long and boring hard rock/modern metal song, with a few highlights.

But i do get what they are doing as musicians, and i don't feel cheated because they aren't thrashing like the 80's.
They want to keep things fresh and interesting for them, and to give some modern edge to the album, so they can grab the attention of young listeners. That's fine.

I just don't like the result. It's not for me. I had higher expectations. WM was a step in the right direction, and i was hoping for an intense and crushing album. Thrash or not. Just a meaningful and honest, Anthrax sounding album. Instead, we got a collection of average songs, poppy AOR chorus, Joey's cheesy vibratos, and questionable melodic choices.

As i said before, to each is own. Glad you guys are enjoying it.

And this is just my opinion, not a fact.

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It will grow on you alias,I know the tunes your probably referring to,I'm starting to digest the 2nd half of album and soak it right up,I'm loving the battle chose us ,dead eagle wings,all of them thieves,among my favourites now

Maybe you are right, mrthrax.

But for now i'm not going back to it. Maybe later i'll have a different opinion, who knows?

Funny how everyone mentions the leads. There isn't one guitar solo that would really catch me, unlike for example the solos on WM. Jon is an outstanding guitar player for sure, but he kind of reminds me of Broderick in a way that their solos lack soul.
Ok a few more repeated listens today and guess what ... it clicked with me. I mean really clicked.

Digging this album more and more now. The first song is an absolute ripper and I must admit whilst I enjoyed Earth on Hell it was a bit of a letdown on WM compared to previous Anthrax album openers. You gotta believe is a stellar song which has the most odd non Anthrax sounding bridge in it that at first had me scratching my head but now I really enjoy it.
To me, WM was a glimpse into the more dynamic songwriting direction the band as a whole were heading in. Particularly songs like In The End and The Giant with more melody and bigger choruses/hooks mixed with the crunch and thrash elements. When In the End was 1st written with Joey, they initially considered condensing it to make the song shorter (shaving a few minutes off) but Joey talked them out of it and I'm glad it remained as it is on the album. Epic song.

FAK has some longer songs that are around 8 minutes and some people can't listen to a song beyond 4 mins, but I'm cool with the longer songs.
I'm looking at my earlier post and how after 24 hours of thrashing (no pun) this album out, my opinion had dramatically changed - I'm really digging it now.

It's a grower for sure.

WOW - it's so damn hooky. Far more melodic which isn't a bad thing either.

Some points (all positive):
  • Blood Eagle Wings reminds me of I'm Alive from WM
  • The riff in Breathing Lightning sounds like Metallica off the Black album
  • There is a riff in Defend Avenge at the 3:30 mark that reminds me of Slayer and Pantera.
  • Donais' leads remind me a lot of Caggiano and Marty Friedman at times.
  • The tone in the mix on the guitars reminds me of ATL & STD era. Nice change from the usual down tuning tone so prevalent in Metal.
Looking forward to buying it now!
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Yea, Defend Avenge is the PERFECT Anthrax song

I could really see an energetic audience singing the chorus. Addictive as hell.
Good review. I'm still undecided where it ranks ... one thing though that dawned on me is that these melodic pop hooks throughout the album are the perfect vehicle for Joey's singing style.

One thing the reviewer nails and it made me realise too - this isn't 1987 Anthrax - this is Anthrax 30+ years present day - better musicians, more mature people and songwriters too.
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