OK - here's my track by track review now I've listened to the record a bunch of times:
You Gotta Believe - starts with an awesome intro which will undoubtedly be used as the band's live opening music. A 7 minute thrash masterpiece, with a killer middle section before resuming an awesome song. If Joey's "HUH!!!" at 3.43 going into the grooving riff doesn't put a shit eating grin on your face, then you just don't love Anthrax!!! The best song Anthrax have written in 2 decades for me!!!!
Monster at the End - a great stomping song highlighted by Joey's chorus singing. Killer. Jon's lead is very Dimebag influenced.
For All Kings - This one didn't grab me much initially, but now I reckon its a really strong tune. Seems to get heavier with each listen. Very melodic and fast again, and Jon shines also again.
Breathing Lightning - Pop Anthrax!!! An obvious single if they're looking for radio airplay. FAK's Safe Home. Cool, but far from my favourite.
Suzerain - Fuck - that intro!!!! Heavy!!!! This song is actually one of my faves, and doesn't seem to get mentioned much so far. I love the "floating" time feel to the chorus, with Frank's basslines a highlight. I've said it already - but Jon again kills on this song. His best solo on the record imo. Awesome tune.
Evil Twin - we've all heard it. I love it. Fits perfectly into the middle of the record.
Blood Eagle Wings - intro reminds me of one of Machine Head's clean intros, before a stutter-like verse that grows (plods a bit) before building into an awesome faster chorus with again, a brilliant lead over a machine-gun rhythm from Scott. Probably one of my least fave songs on the record - but it's still great. (Tells you how much I rate this record!!!!)
Defend Avenge - has Anthrax had a more menacing intro to a song since ATL title track? Rhythm wise - this song reminds me a lot of Nobody Knows Anything with Charlie's slightly off kilter playing. Love it. Has anyone else noticed this is the first of the next 3 tracks that Jon's lead is played over a double-time thrash part to the rest of the song??? Love it. This song would be massive live.
All of Them Thieves - this song would not be out of place on S442. It's a great tune - heavy as hell (reminds me of Drop the Ball), and Joey's vocals are killer. Love the driving bass and rhythm .
This Battle Chose Us - Frank's bassline intro is awesome before a brooding mid-tempo rhythm with a huge chorus. Something about this song reminds me of The Constant, the way it's heavy but also has a poppy feel to it. Classic 2016 Anthrax.
Zero Tolerance - Thrash!!!! What a cool way to close the record (reminds me of Imitation of Life). This tune is Scott Ian, and Scott Ian is this tune. His right hand is as recognisable on this tune as Malcolm Young's on Highway to Hell, and Joey spits out hate-filled anti extremism lyrics over fast as fuck riffs that remind us why we loved Anthrax in 1987.
So there it is guys - I give this record a solid 9/10, and would rate it higher on my Anthrax list than Worship Music!!!! Absolutely exceeded my expectations for Anthrax 2016.
When Feb 26 comes - please make sure you buy this monster!!!!! My 2 copies will be on their way via Amazon - please do the same!!!! Mosh!!!!