I beg to differ on the venue bro! I have seen many a gig there and have been rewarded with shit sound, outrageously overpriced drinks (it's times square, so I can let that slide), sound guys who intentionally sabotaged Necrophagist's gig (told so by Muhammad), short sets, amps blowing up...I just hate it with a passion.

Ironically, of the handful of times I have seen a band with good sound there, Behemoth sounded great!

Nokia Theater is a far, far superior venue dude!


Well I'm just used to live sound perpetually being horrible for the metal bands I've seen, so I can't really say much on that :lol: And the last time I was there I was under 21, so drink prices weren't an issue :D Why would the sound guys intentionally sabotage Necrophagist though?

I guess to rephrase, I really like the size and layout of it! :goggly:
Few newspapers had speculated about his alleged romance with a pop-star (only locally, small chance you know her)! So he is now better known as her would-be boyfriend :D

She is called Doda and there is 98.9% chance that statistical Polish girl below 13 years has her poster on the wall.

It's official I think...
Well I'm just used to live sound perpetually being horrible for the metal bands I've seen, so I can't really say much on that :lol: And the last time I was there I was under 21, so drink prices weren't an issue :D Why would the sound guys intentionally sabotage Necrophagist though?

I guess to rephrase, I really like the size and layout of it! :goggly:

Well, the whole time the sound was horrible for them. It was my first time seeing them so I was way excited! I had been a fan for a while.

Barely any drums, barely any vocals, everything sounded like shit. At one point Muhammad's guitar cut out during a solo...the whole amp! You could see he was visibly upset and he was yelling at the sound dude, or his sound dude, can't remember. It was just a disaster.

A few days later Muhammad posted on their message board about the experience. Supposedly their sound guy that tours with them had words with the stock BB King sound guy, and he intentionally fucked with and ruined their set. They had some more words after their set backstage and received a half-hearted apology from the staff.

I've seen more shows with crappy sound there than with good sound. Nokia blows it away! Huge, spread out, multiple bars, food, seats up above (if you are a, and awesome sound for the most part.

Also, when I saw Buckethead at BB Kings, BOTH of his Rectos blew during the set and he had an extremely short set. Supposedly he blew up at the staff as well, lol.

When I saw Emperor play (one of four shows in the USA or something), they played for BARELY an hour, horrible sound, and the show was $50 fucking bucks! Three bands, all of which sounded like crap.

Oh, they also don't let the bands sell their own merch. How lame is that?!

Damn! Nergal's chick is a smokeshow.



Good for him.
That sounds / looks insane!!! Really pumped about this album.
I do have one of those "geeky" questions, though: does anybody know what kind of ADAM monitors are beside the Yamaha's?
Just curious ... hmmm
new video.
Colin at work, bad episode anyway, you don't see that much about Colin.

HOLY FUCK, what are you talking about dude, that episode was incredible! I mean, sure, there's not much about the mixing or anything, but OHMYGODOHMYGODOHMYGOD the music sounds incredible, especially that song that plays when Nergal is leaning on the 5150, JAYSUS CHROIST - and the freakin' sitar, and the brass ensemble, good god this is gonna rule, and I hate Nergal for saying "people will love our latest Opus", but I can't deny it's 100% true! :D

And Colin seems like such a jolly jovial Brit :lol:

And Waterboy, I'm pretty sure they're from Adam's S-line, probably S2A's
The Adam looks like a P11A.

Is it just me or does the mix really not suite Behemoth? I mean sure it's good in it's own right and would work for something like Machine Head, but surely a different approach is in order here? I'm just not feeling it... all I hear is 'tick tock' and no balls.
I'm inclined to agree, and it's what I feared with Colin at the helm tbh (never really was that blown away by any of his mixes, the most recent I've heard being "The Fury of Our Maker's Hand") - but then again, it's still a youtube video!