new big 4 of thrash

Got news for you, I'm alive and according to my last audiometry mi hearing is perfect and CFH disgust me inmensely :Puke:

Here of course we have an irrversible divergency of opinions. Pantera did nothing but hurt the scene IMO, mallcore is the proper term there not such thing as nu-metal, because THAT'S NOT METAL!
Obvioulsy I won't twist my arm and you are not going to either. So let it go, I'm not gonna waste more of my time on this discussion.

NP: "Вольная стая - Русская Рулетка"

Wow - I've just had an unravelling of why I hate so many 'metal' bands out there. I was a HUGE Pantera fan - but I totally see where you're coming from with regards to them 'killing off' the metal scene...they were the first heavy mainstream band (that I got into) who wore shorts etc and ditched the 'metal' look...shit...they really did help spawn a legacy of utterly crap metal...damn that makes me sad. I never really looked at it that way. I guess they were just trying to be different by doing the groove thing. And you're absolutely right about Nu-Metal not being metal - not by ANY stretch of the imagination. I did like Korn's 1st album for a short while when it came out cos it was different, but I guess it was the next step down to the degradation into what is now, as you call it, mallcore. Dammit, I'm gonna have to go get that South of Heaven album out (awesomely bought for me for my 13th b'day by my sis) and rememeber the day my life changed, and why that shit still rocks my world.
Municipal Waste and Toxic Holocaust are pretty fucking awesome. Gamma Bomb and Send More Paramedics are good too. Bonded by Blood, Fueled by Fire, I mean there are endless amounts of really good thrash bands right now. You guys really need to get out more and find other metal that goes outside of old school. But I love you guys anyway. New Unleashed comes out Tuesday for all the old death metal guys. Along with new Moonspell.
The perfect death/thrash band for me was the band Rosicrucian....just unbelievably crushing.