new CD's!!!! anyone else???


Sep 30, 2005
Picked up a few new things this week and last week.....

Elvenking - The Scythe = I waited for a long time for this disc...was I disappointed? a little. First off the folk stuff is pretty much gone. to me that was the selling point of the band. Secondly....WHY DO BANDS NEED TO HAVE TALKING LEAD INS TO SONGS!!!! I hate that shit. Still, this is the disc that non fans will is a lot heavier than the other cd's..contrary to popular belief they have always had a heavy side and were never like a Rhapsody style band. I am sure this disc will grow on me...The Winters Wake did after a few listens. I just miss the folk. Still worth getting.

Derdain - New Era PT 2 "War of the Gods" = saw this on the shelf at Metal one really had a clue what it sounded like. It is nice living 10 minutes away from the store so I went home and looked them up and I was back buying the disc. Super crazy fantasy power metal. Lots of keyboards and high pitched vocals and very catchy sing alongs. Generic as hell but this is what I like in power metal...not every band can be original. It was a nice little surprise.

INC (Indestructible Noise Command) - Razorback = bootleg of the first LP by these speed metal kings. great disc. for fans of old style speed metal..this is it. great songs with great guitar riffs and lousy album art! what coul dbe better?

Dekapitator - The Storm Before the Calm = I have put off getting this disc for about a month now...keep on seeing it. Today I picked it up and it is really good. Basically it is a new band playing that ole late 80's San Fran thrash style. It doesnt sound forced either. Really killer thrash. I think live these guys who be great.....HINT HINT HINT Rob. Only listened to a few songs so far...havent had time to listen to the whole thing due to listening to the new Elvenking.

picked up the new Winds last was just OK. Nothing will beat the first disc.

next week I should have
new Helloween
Astral Doors
The Vision Bleak new CD/DVD....ex Empyrium, kind more gothic Therion.

anyone else get anything new????
*************************** UPDATE *********************

big surprise...the new Elvenking is really really good. Still not near an incredible disc but still one of the best this year.
I've been on a binge over the past 2-3 months:

Arch Enemy - Rise of the Tyrant
Down - Over the Under
Nightwish - Dark Passion Play
Pyramaze - Melancholy Beast
Amorphis - Silent Waters
Sentenced - Amok/Love & Death
Soilwork - Sworn to a Great Divide
Symphony X - V
Raintime - Flies & Lies
Iced Earth - Framing Armageddon
Pathosray - s/t
Within Temptation - The Silent Force
Queensryche - Sign of the Times (Best of w/ rarities)
Derdain - New Era PT 2 "War of the Gods" = saw this on the shelf at Metal one really had a clue what it sounded like. It is nice living 10 minutes away from the store so I went home and looked them up and I was back buying the disc. Super crazy fantasy power metal. Lots of keyboards and high pitched vocals and very catchy sing alongs. Generic as hell but this is what I like in power metal...not every band can be original. It was a nice little surprise.

I recommend you pick up "New Era pt.1". I like these guys a lot, they just need to play shows already.
yeah....just saw that. It was a total impulse buy actually. I have a great nose for finding good bands and something hit me when I walked by that disc. It is nice living so close to Metal Haven so I went home...went to the website and within 5 minutes I was sold, so I ran back and bought the disc and am totally happy. It is so good.

on a downside....I just read the singer for Kaledon left the band. I just got into them a few months ago. Hopefully they can get someone just as good.
But the guy sucked! He is a bad singer imo. His english was atrocious, so any attempt to sing in it was as bad. I don't think they'll have a problem getting somebody who will be a better fit as a singer.
Been kind of light unfortunately....

I think I have already spoken to the new High on Fire (Which RULES) and the new Iced Earth (Ok, but nothing too earth shaking).

The new Helloween is AMAZING. Can't say enough about it.

Also recently checked out Nachtmystium's Instant : Decay, which I find very interesting.
Nothing I could listen to everyday, but nice to hear a band experiement, and take black metal to new heights.
I picked up Dream Evil - United (2 CD version) this weekend... Great album, absolutely love it. They're my favorite power metal band, and this may well be their best album. Definitely a HUGE improvement over The Book of Heavy Metal.
I picked up the new Helloween it. great disc.

I also picked up...

Merciless Death - Evil In The Night
Evile - Enter The Grave

both real good thrash....I was hoping for the new Astral Doors and the double CD/DVD of The Vision Bleak....but alas...nope.
I picked up Dream Evil - United (2 CD version) this weekend... Great album, absolutely love it. They're my favorite power metal band, and this may well be their best album. Definitely a HUGE improvement over The Book of Heavy Metal.

Yes, Dream Evil are a great band.
I agree, the Book of Heavy Metal was a bit weak.
That album actually kept me away from ever picking up United.
I will change that someday.

Have you ever heard Metalium? If you like that straight forward power metal (IE - NOT flower metal), you might dig them.
Yes, Dream Evil are a great band.
I agree, the Book of Heavy Metal was a bit weak.
That album actually kept me away from ever picking up United.
I will change that someday.

Have you ever heard Metalium? If you like that straight forward power metal (IE - NOT flower metal), you might dig them.

Hmmm... I'll have to give them a shot.

Trust me, United is a GREAT album. The video for "Fire, Battle, in Metal!" is on YouTube. Dragonslayer, Evilized, and United are their best work. The Book of Heavy Metal only has a few really good tracks ("Only For The Night" and "Into The Moonlight" being my favorites). Maybe getting rid of Snowy Shaw did them a favor? :erk:
Some new stuff I have picked up in the past few weeks:

Helloween - Gambling With the Devil
Ensiferum - Victory Songs
Elvenking - The Scythe
Dethklok - The Dethalbum
Doomsword - My Name Will Live On
Pathosray - Pathosray
Serenity - Words Untold and Dreams Unlived

Not a bad one in the bunch...