So this is the third place I've posted this now, but since there's a thread here about new CDs and a dearth of actual musical discussion, I figured I'd try to help. Thoughts on some recent acquisitions of the more cheesy variety, starting with the oldest one first:
POWER QUEST - WINGS OF FOREVER. Well, anyone who called Power Quest a Dragonforce clone on this first CD would be wrong. They are actually identical twins, separated at birth. They even share a guitarist. I was used to the Neverworld sound for Power Quest, since that's the one I heard first, so this disc was quite a surprise. It turns out I prefer the Neverworld sound much better. The speedy bass and drums get a little tired on Wings of Forever. It's funny, I don't have the same reaction from Dragonforce, mostly because their choruses are so much more interesting, I guess. They try hard but it doesn't click for me here. I'm glad they let Dragonforce go with the hyperactive metal, and themselves went the slower, poppier keyboard-laden path of power metal. Or else we wouldn't have For Evermore, or Children of the Dream, my favorite Power Quest songs. But my favorite PQ songs are not on Wings of Forever. NOT RECOMMENDED.
FREEDOM CALL - DIMENSIONS. I have always been on the fence with Freedom Call. They're a band I probably should like, but have never really enjoyed that much. But I did find myself liking Circle of Life the more I listened to it, so I decided to give this CD a try. Let's just say that I still like Circle of Life

I don't find this CD interesting at all. The vocals are pretty weak, and the guitar tone is stripped of most of its "heaviness", it's almost an XTC-like guitar sound at times. The best songs are the two last ones, and by then it's too late. In too many songs, manly "Whoa-oh-oh" choruses substitute for well written melodies, and nothing catchy ever develops. NOT RECOMMENDED.
RIDE THE SKY - NEW PROTECTION. If you like the Masterplan sort of thing, then this should make you at least a little happy. I like this one better than MK II, but not more than either of the Jorn Masterplan CDs. I noticed that I like every other song on this disc - I like tracks 2,4,6,8 ...then the pattern breaks, because I like track 9, too. So it's good for a drive in the car, but there are better CDs of its ilk out there. MILDLY RECOMMENDED.
THUNDERSTONE - EVOLUTION 4.0. A band that started out in the Strato-clone subgenre finds itself now grounded firmly in Nocturnal Rites territory. And you know, that's not a bad thing. There's less speedy guitar and keyboard widdling, and more songs based on powerful chords and riffs. And many of the songs on this CD have great sing-along choruses. I don't know that there's a standout "anthem" song on this one like on some others (Without Wings, for example, off Tools of Destruction), but the songs are all of pretty high caliber. RECOMMENDED.
ICED EARTH - FRAMING ARMAGEDDON. I have to listen more times to decide how much I like it for certain, but at the least I can say that it's my favorite Iced Earth CD since the original Something Wicked. I still think the Gettysburg CD is the best work of the Tim Owens era, but Framing Armageddon has some juicy work on it. Songs like Ten Thousand Strong or The Domino Decree really add some zip back into the Iced Earth pantheon. What I don't like so much are the many interludes on the CD, they drag the disc out unnecessarily. And the concept may get old after another CD (there will be three, right?). But still, my faith in the band is restored. RECOMMENDED.
EPICA - THE DIVINE CONSPIRACY. I was ambivalent about Epica before their PP VII performance, which blew me away. I went into this disc with caution, worried that I would not like it, and my newfound awe of the band would be diminished. But no worries, this is by far their best disc. It is a bit long in the tooth, and it slows down during the middle third (The Embrace That Smothers suite), but just the first five tracks alone are worth the price of admission. Seeing them live recently for a second time, and seeing them perform some of this material, puts Epica solidly in as a "Ken Luther Approved Band". HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.
NIGHTWISH - DARK PASSION PLAY. As most others, I was suspicious of this CD before it came out. But damn, if it isn't one of the best CDs of the year! Sure, it's sad that Tarja's gone, and I imagine Anette has trouble with singing older material, but conversely, Tarja just would not do justice to some of the songs on this CD - which are clearly written or adapted for Anette. Just like I can't imagine Anette trying to do Creek Mary's Blood, I can't imagine Tarja pulling off the angelic sing-song vocals in Amaranth, for example. And the orchestration in this CD is just off the charts, starting with full out bombast in the opening track and evolving to a Celtic flair at the end. I love it. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.