new CD's!!!! anyone else??? lonely guys at Haven to recommend some pagan band from Siberia? :lol:

I picked up THE OBSESSED - THE CHURCH WITHIN at a used CD store.
Good score, this bad boy is long out of print, being released on a major.

It is amazing with what you can find at some used CD stores. Lots of times there is some great metal in there. I am still pissed that I passed up Einherjer's "Aurora Boriellis" Cd which is really hard to find.
It is amazing with what you can find at some used CD stores. Lots of times there is some great metal in there. I am still pissed that I passed up Einherjer's "Aurora Boriellis" Cd which is really hard to find.

Absolutely! Being in the burbs, I do better at this one place than anywhere else.

There is some viking disc there, I think the band name is Cruchan or something.... You guys dig that?
Jason wont go near folk metal. With him being muslim I am sure he has some sort of rules against it. I am i a huge Vokalack kick and Nomans Land right now....along with Aquaria...which is on the other side of the spectrum of metal.
Bob - My muslim buddies were over at my place the other day. They saw my Bar Mitzvah pictures, and my wedding pictures with a Rabbi. They didn't care for that too much. Looks like you will have to come up with some other lame comeback for the fact that I don't like Nightwish... :lol:
The Obsessed disc I mentioned above is great!
I might get kicked out of the COTD.
(That's the Circle Of True Doom, for those who don't know)

I think I prefer the studio work of The Obsessed to that of Saint Vitus......

(Ok, so maybe like 3 of you will know what I speak of, so be it!)
You can stay in as long as you love Wino, regardless of the band.

I would possibly "flip" for Wino, if you know what I mean!!!!
He is a sexy mo-fo!!!

Lumsk - Asmund Fraegdegjevar - Holy crap is this awesome folk metal! Diabolik - you know this band?
Myrath - Hope - A prog/power band in the vein of Symphony X from Tunisia.
Lumsk - Asmund Fraegdegjevar - Holy crap is this awesome folk metal! Diabolik - you know this band?
Myrath - Hope - A prog/power band in the vein of Symphony X from Tunisia.

I LOVE Lumsk. The newest disc is VERY different. I really like it alot. It is really low key and more softer than the last two disc. This new disc could get radio airplay on an easy listening station or play something like Lilith Fair. Still some great catchy stuff though.

This FINALLY arrived in the mail yesterday.
For those who don't know, TROUBLE decided to release this on their own (As their current label seems to take a year and a day to release stuff in the states).

Trouble churns out a stellar performance of 4 classic tracks and 2 new ones.

Being acoustic, I can only recommend this to die-hard fans. This definitely is not a good starting point for someone just getting into the band.
DOOMSWORD - My Name Will Live On

Finally got this at Metal Haven.
Holy shiznit does this album RULE!
These guys WILL be huge, mark my words.

This band is a must for fans of Candlemass, Solitude Aeturnus, Manowar, etc. Also incorporate epic moments of folk and viking. Clean vocals throughout which I think makes for a great classic and epic metal sound that I am a sucker for.