the original Metal Blade press.
Side A unfortunately has a HUGE visible scratch.
I will spin it today to see if it's even playable.
Still though couldn't pass it up.
I foresee this being on your trade list in a few months.
WTF you talking about??
This is Jason, not Pat.....
Give me examples of things I have purchased just for the purpose of sale or trade???????
Only thing I can even think of in recent times would be that Cloven Hoof CD, but that became part of a large epic trade...
WTF you talking about??
This is Jason, not Pat.....
Give me examples of things I have purchased just for the purpose of sale or trade???????
Only thing I can even think of in recent times would be that Cloven Hoof CD, but that became part of a large epic trade...
you are the king of "trade bait" have said it yourself many times over the past few years.
Omg it is so easy to amp you up and I wasn't even trying that hard.
Funny thing is, only a couple years ago $10 would have been a lot for that record in that condition. The price for that one has shot through the roof. Congrats.
I know I will catch some crap from most around here, but I don't care.
This is heavy and makes me groove!
Crowbar - Symmetry in Black
I've always been a fan of Kirk's guitar playing. I get shit for liking Down, but he was one of the main reasons why. I like Crowbar too. I need to pick this up as I've heard nothing but good things about it.
The CROWBAR is on sale for $7.99 at Best Buy.
I am warming up to DOWN a little lately.
I remember really liking the tune "On March the Saints" when that came out a while back. I YouTube'd their last EP.
If every DOWN song sounded like this I would be a big fan:
So I'm trying to convert to digital downloads - as much as I love collecting CD's, I just don't have the space for much more in my house and I don't want to spend money on additional towers. I buy them, look at the booklet once and it sits on a shelf for years, since I do all of my listening via iTunes or on my smartphone. I rarely take an original cd in the car, and the ones I leave in the car are CDR's.
The Agonist - Prisoners
Vader - Welcome to the Morbid Reich
Epica - The Quantum Enigma
Devil You Know - The Beauty of Destruction
Sabaton - Heroes