New CD's that you have gotten recently

Man, so many people loved Casting the Stones.
That one just never clicked with me for some reason.
Same here. I was already familiar with Mech. Warfare before I bought it, and it is awesome. I don't think I even finished listening to Casting The Stones. Not bad at all, but definitely not on par with Jag Panzer's other work.
Same here. I was already familiar with Mech. Warfare before I bought it, and it is awesome. I don't think I even finished listening to Casting The Stones. Not bad at all, but definitely not on par with Jag Panzer's other work.

Agreed, it is probably my least fav of theirs.
just got the new Air Raid, Therion, and a few others.

Didn't even know the new Air Raid came out. Can't really get any new ones at the moment though.

I like the new Therion a lot. People are complaining that it's all in French, but it's not like it's the first time that Therion have vocals in another language. It's something I'm used to at this point.