New Cryptopsy song

Laeth MacLaurie said:
Have you ever actually made any positive contributions to this forum, or do you just follow me around bitching? If I wanted an idiotic nag, I'd get married.


Guys, the album leaked and it's good.

No, worm doesn't go super low like he used to (I'm betting it's more of an issue that he can't)... But the music is excellent, though not on a whole as chaotic as their previous work. The songs are definitely more memorable than And Then You'll Beg.

don't take my word for it! Go download it yourself, you pirate bastards!
Well hell, i have only heard the two songs posted on here... and i enjoy them... they a little different than previous cryptopsy... but i like it...

Lord's vocals are decent....
The Devil's Steed said:
Says the person who talks shit about Graveland.

god I'm fucking sick of every other cocksucker on this forum acting like Graveland is the second coming.
Cythraul said:
god I'm fucking sick of every other cocksucker on this forum acting like Graveland is the second coming.

god I'm fucking sick of every other faggot who used to be a relatively good poster descending into whiny-bitter-little-girl mode.

I thought you were married, Mr. Falconsbane? :lol:

Somebody hand me a tissue, I haven't been so disappointed by a sample track since Christina Aguilera's latest! Oh to think of what she used to be.
How about you go away, you filthy fat retard? I don't remember ever reading a post of yours with substance, which is incredible considering the sheer mass in which substance could presumably reside.
Really, shut if you fat fuck. Telling someone to 'go away' on a message board is ridiculous also.

Go eat another cheeseburger while listening BROOTAL death metal you monstrosity.
The Power That Preserves said:
god I'm fucking sick of every other faggot who used to be a relatively good poster descending into whiny-bitter-little-girl mode.

One man looks at a dying bird and thinks there's nothing but unanswered pain. That death's got the final word. It's laughing at him.

Another man sees that same bird, and feels the glory. Feels something smiling through it.

They made a song from the riff they play live during the worm feeding part. Nice! I predict this will be an awesome come back album. It's leaked now, by the way.
Cythraul said:
One man looks at a dying bird and thinks there's nothing but unanswered pain. That death's got the final word. It's laughing at him.

Another man sees that same bird, and feels the glory. Feels something smiling through it.

worshipper of: Friedrich Nietzsche

fucking anusite