On growers I sit in estYMajs corner I agree in part that if something is great you shouldnt have to try and appreciate it, it should hit you straight away but there is such a thing as a grower. The biggest example for me personally would be Primus when I first heard Pork Soda 10 years or so ago, it was so far removed from everything I listened to it took me a while to get I knew I liked it but it took me a few spins to understand what the fuck it was all about
They are now one of my favourite bands, and thats probably my favourite album by them!
On wanktastic interludes, like it or not, thats what the majority of people expect and want from DT album sales dont lie. I personally dig them, but agree they have been overused of late and they have struggled to find the balance between melody and wank they had on SFaM Best wanktastic interlude ever is that in Beyond this life
On wanktastic interludes, like it or not, thats what the majority of people expect and want from DT album sales dont lie. I personally dig them, but agree they have been overused of late and they have struggled to find the balance between melody and wank they had on SFaM Best wanktastic interlude ever is that in Beyond this life