NEW Edwards edition of Alexi's Pink Sawtooth


Skull Kid
Oct 12, 2007
Clock Town Behavior: Pretty good -Syuri


It's got all the same base specs as the ESP Custom Shop version. I have the LTD version of this, but this Edwards is tempting!
In this specific case, comparing the LTD to the Edwards...

1. The Edwards has the true RR (Japanese) body shape compared to the US version with the larger lower wing.
2. The Edwards has the ESP paintjob (sexy).
3. The Edwards doesn't have neckdiving problems (not a huge problem on the LTD as you can have the strap button re-positioned or use a leather strap, but it's still a nuisance nonetheless).
4. The Edwards has scalloped frets from the 20th to the 24th fret. I've personally never experienced scalloped frets, but they sound nice.
5. The Edwards has the MM-04 pre-amp booster built in. Not sure how good it sounds, but it is a nice feature.

Essentially, the Edwards has the exact same "specs" as the ESP Custom Shop version, minus the build quality. It is a bit expensive at the moment, but if the price drops I'm seriously considering replacing my LTD with it.
The only real difference between the LTD and Edwards guitars is - except the body - that LTD got Grover Tuners and Edwards Gotoh SG360-07. But their is no difference in the quality or the playability. Oh and 100 or 200 € difference in the price.

and : the LTD's got the S&D Pickup instead of the EMG ...
I've googled a bit and found the price for each guitar:

ESP Pink Sawtooth Custom Shop : 3989 €
ESP Pink Sawtooth STD : 3780 €
ESP LTD Alexi 600 SE : 1145 €
Edwards E-AL 166 Pink Sawtooth: 834 €

Thats fucking crazy! We all know that ESP guitars are totally overpriced, ok, but their must be sth. wrong with the Edwards guitars... I've spoken with my ESP dealer and he told me that you can't get a guitar with those specs for under 1000€ so I think that the Floyd system in the Edwards aren't a Floyds made in germany... the original Floyds are all made in germany - you should read this when you pull down the Floyd under the Floyd Rose logo...
btw do alexis guitars have scalloped frets (20-24) too? or is it just with the edwards axes?

YES alexi has had his ESP with the 20-24 scalloped frets

my sawtooth is being ordered...and arcane i can fuckin believe that in germany the freakin STD is only 200 EUROS WTF id totally wait another month to get the CS man thats gay..over here its like CS 6K...STD 3 K and edwards like 1.5 K