New ENGL Fireball content! New mix, complete song, opinions welcome!


Oct 21, 2005
Southwest Florida, USA
Greetings all!
I'm back with another clip, only this time it's a complete song :OMG:
I am working on a 5-song EP kind of thing and this is the first track I have finished. I am recording it completely in my very meager home "studio", everything ITB. It's called, "Aloud, You Follow"; the only song on the page at the moment.

This is a completely new mix, but the guitar chain is essentially the same as last time:
Schecter A-7 > Fireball > 1960a > SM57 > MobilePre > Cubase SX.

I would like to hear everyone's opinion on the mix as a whole, the song, guitar tone, anything and everything!

Thanks guys and have a good one!
The vocals could come up, but other than that it sounds good to me. :)

006: They could, yes, but I thought they complimented the music better this way, personal taste, really (that and I'm insecure about my "vocals", haha) Thanks man! :headbang:
I think the guitar sounds maybe a little bit detached from the song, somehow. You could try having the guitars mixed a bit tighter together, not hard L/R. Try 60% L/R for starters.

But anyways, it's all about opinion ;P
nice song, cool sound and I like the riff after about 30 seconds, sounds to me a bit like a mix between newer Morbid Angel (Gateways to Annihilation) and Meshuggah.

I like it!
You see, i love the way the vocals are mixed in this song.. it's a certain style i cant describe, but i think it sounds really great that way.. just let the music do the singing and let the vocals back it up a bit.. completely fresh, and i like it!

I think this is some of the best mixes i have heard around here.. absolutely crushing, yet smooth..

i like it! this is how the new textures should have sounded like!! (atleast guitarwise)

how much hi end did you roll off btw? thats something i'm currently struggling with and i was just wondering! and do you still use the "most hiss" micing technique? were about did you place the mic?

BNB: did you hear the new textures yet? (complete album leaked..)
The new textures?

Nope.. heard a song or two on the HC amp forum.. sounded pretty cool, even though it's not really my kind of music, i really dig the complexity of it all..
haha, ahh, the bass! The bass is pitch-shifted guitar like last time, only this time I actually paid some attention to it and worked at getting a decent sound, haha. Glad you like it man!

Thanks for the comments guys, I really appreciate it. Oh, and yes, the mic is in the same spot it was for my last clip a few months back (give or take a few cm, which does make a difference, haha)

Bump, and thanks guys!
wow, this sounds.........

I love this place. So many great musicians out here.
Dude, your song has so much sphere, love it!
I'm curious, what effect did you use on/with the clean guitars, kicking in at 1:12??
CJWall man you rule!!! Your previous clip got me all wound up, but this one is just f-ing chilling! Feeling wise it reminds me of Neurosis' best years and there's no bigger compliment you'd get from me than that. Sure the riffs are nothing like Neurosis, but the eerie feeling it's omnipresent in the track! About the vocals - maybe a wee bit louder, but they're fine as they are, they're intended to be just a layer to the music, not the leading role in the song, right? Something alike what Isis did on Celestial. Anyway man, this is absolutely stellar, I'm your fan already! Rock on!