New Fan of band...

Welcome to the insanity, WinterSoldier!

Be sure to pick up "V: The New Mythology Suite" as your next Symphony X purchase, it's probably a good next step from what you already have.

Pick The Divine Wings of Tragedy too! And Twilight in Olympus!
Fuck that, pick them all!
are you guys ignoring me on purpose?

...OK!!! i'm sorry i put pubes in your coffee this morning. How was i supposed to know yu don't take it that way.
my favourite is the oddessy by far.

out of V or DW? i dunno, on the whole, i perfer DW, V has communion and the Oracle of my favourite songs
All the Symphony X albums are underrated, which means that none of them are overrated, which brings us to the conclusion that everyone has their own opinion about Symphony X, but we all know that we can't have any of that blasphemy !!!! lollll
Imo DWoT is their best album.
It has so many epic songs and some great hand bangers. Not to mention it has one of their best songs "Divine wings of tragedy"

The only weak song on that album is "Eyes of Medusa" the rest pwn

Now that you mention it, most of my friends think V is very good, and imo i think that album is overrated...

Just my thoughts...

EDIT: Where can i find this "Into the Blizzard" white album??? I would love to own it for my collection!

Sorry, dude, I was just being sarcastic. It might make for a funny bootleg, circulated around forum members, but I don't know if that's kosher.
wrong, the s/t debut is overrated. The fact that people have paid for it is too much in itself.

Dude...that's not very smart... how can you criticize others' opinion...
That album is indeed poor compared to what the guys did after, but still it's an awesome piece of music anyway.

Seriously though, if you need to see "in my opinion" written after anything people say that you don't agree with, then you've got problems and are taking the internet too seriously.

the debut=fail