New Here


May 6, 2003
Rotterdam, Netherlands
Visit site
Hi everybody,

:hypno: Cyclopssss is the name. I nosed around on the forum here and I think I'll have a lot of fun here.

I'm a 37 years old male from Rotterdam in the Netherlands, am an Administrative at one of the largest soccer clubs here and I also play drums and sing backup vocals for a punk/rock band called Crush.

My musical interests are (prog-) Rock, Metal and the like. Other intrests include sports (well, watching them :grin: ) and beer and reading horror/sci-fi novels. (Stephen King, Jack Vance)

Favourite bands at the moment include:

Symphony X, Fates Warning, Dream Theater, Pain Of Salvation, Ayreon/Star One, etc....

Hope to have a lot of fun here, and talking to you! :wave: