New Jackson RR24

even if its just an exact rr24 except for a different bevel color?

well it depends if they want to be fuckasses. my experience was that ESP Japan told me they could paint me an Alexi USA w/ pinstripes for a nominal charge (i.e. not custom order, since it was pretty simple etc). ESP USA however, told me fuck off, buy a custom shop order.
Thirth time: if he wants it switchable he must drill a hole.
if he doesnt, he can put it anyware. I dont care if it is in his cavity hole, floyd rose space or in his ass.
I was talking about it being switchable.

that's not necessarily true
what he could do is replace one of his pots with a push pull pot and wire the on/off switch to the pot.
in other words, the volume or tone pot could be not only turned to adjust the volume/tone but can be pulled out or pushed in which would switch the pa2 on or off.

some people just never think outside the box


the pa2 should look something like this.
|                   o     x   x  |
|                                |
|                   o     x      |
|                                |
|                   o     x   x  |

the x's and o's are solder points under the switch.
the ones labeled O can be wired to any other switch, but keep in mind that you would need to remove the current switch thats on there.

but its better to modify a 25$ electronic board rather than a guitar that costs a hundred times more than that.

PS. im not too sure about the wiring of that switch, so dont take my word for it (i believe that the left row of solder points is the one thats used to switch it on and off, not the right row of them)
either way, its just an idea, if you really decide to do this let me know and i can dig out my pa2 and give you an exact answer. (i just set mine to 1/3rd of the way and jammed it into the cavity).
Saddly, it does add noise. The Jackson JE1000 boost that I have is much better and less noiser.

It will cost around 2000eur after the taxes and customs fee...specs are like the RR-J2SP, but I changed what I didn't like about it (white binding, wider nut, OFR, added some fret scallops, MOP logo, white pinstripes).

Why order from China? You can't get them in China anyway...and Chinese guitars are either fake or suck.

It's Usa and Japan and that's it. All other countries don't know how to make guitars, unless it's some small custom shop (like Ran).

thats true, all semiconductors/transistors add noise.
but keep in mind that the emg pa2 does (up to) a 20db boost whereas the jackson boosts add something like 6db (i think the je1200 is 6db, not sure about the 1000), so if you wanted to make a fair comparison, you should turn
the emg pa2 to slightly over 1/4 of the way and compare the noise there.

the thing about the pa2 is that it doesnt colour the tone much, notice how it has no capacitors on the board, so it has a very flat frequency response (ignoring the op amp on the board). the je1000 however adds some eq (iirc it has those 3 switches), so it has a unique tone to it. And since OMG ALEXI USED JE1000 ON TOKYO WARHEARTSLOL!!!!111 AND HE HAZ SUPER AMAZIN TONE LOL!1!!!1 AND HE IZ A GOOD ELECTRICAL ENGINEER OMGGGG!!!11, we assume that the je1000 is better than the pa2.

ive never tried the je1000, so im not going to make any claims on it, but if i were to take an educated guess, emg has things covered better than jackson in the noise department since:
1: theyre an electronics company, not a guitar manufacturer
2: their components are 20 years newer than jacksons
3: they built their reputation around having low noise electronics

on the other hand:
i think my emg pa2 is a complete piece of shit because as soon as i got it and started adjusting it with a screwdriver, the plastic "screw thing" in the trim pot just crumbled off, so now, 2/4's of the knob are missing and its practically impossible to adjust.

i know thats a very cryptic explanation, but heres a way to visualize it: imagine a screw with a + hole for the screwdriver, now imagine 2 of the 4 solid parts crumbled because the component is a piece of shit.
ESP RV=Alexi's Real ESP signature model with his pickups and inlays and everything. ESP SV=The STANDARD model of a RV. Its got dot inlays and 2 emg 81 pickups and no booster(the RV is also available without booster) ESP MMV= A cheaper alexi model with licensed floyd rose and 2 emg hz pickups. Same body wood but as i remember it the fretboard is NOT ebony. Cheap one...550 € is the average price but NOW atm they are 700 euros.

You've obviously not heard of Kai Hanson. The RV is the basically a custom ordered SV.

And just to add, the MMV is more or less a cheaper/LTD version of the SV, but with better fret access and no bevels.
the fret access on the SV really sucks. not exactly suitable for my short fingers.
thats true, all semiconductors/transistors add noise.
but keep in mind that the emg pa2 does (up to) a 20db boost whereas the jackson boosts add something like 6db (i think the je1200 is 6db, not sure about the 1000), so if you wanted to make a fair comparison, you should turn
the emg pa2 to slightly over 1/4 of the way and compare the noise there.

Yes, je1200(midboost) is 6db, je1500 (wah) up to 24db, je2000(for basses) is 12db but there's nothing written about the JE1000...interesting.

I have two copies of JE1000 built from the diagram that was taken from an actual JE1000. One guy built it for me (and some other people) so I have a 1:1 copy, but with higher quality materials.

I can say from my own experience that Jackson J50BC+JE1000 has more gain and less noise on highest setting than EMG HZ3+EMG PA2 on highest setting.

Oh, and that mod that you can do...wire the on-off switch of the PA2 to the push pull pot sounds nice...can you make a good diagram? I'd be interested into doing that on one of my guitars.
You've obviously not heard of Kai Hanson. The RV is the basically a custom ordered SV.

And just to add, the MMV is more or less a cheaper/LTD version of the SV, but with better fret access and no bevels.

Oh fuck...yeah ive heard! Just forgot about it...the guy with the pink-redish kinda ESP SV/RV ? Yeah i know what a MMV is since i had one...bevels? it had pinstripes..what u mean now? Yeah ofcourse it had better fret acess than a RV since the RV neck through body and MMV a set neck but yeah...
A set neck as to neck through has little to do with it, I was mainly referring to the huge difference in cutaway sizes. By bevels I mean the angled top edges on the fins.
A set neck as to neck through has little to do with it, I was mainly referring to the huge difference in cutaway sizes. By bevels I mean the angled top edges on the fins.

A set neck is located further up=Better access. Well yeah the cutaway was bigger but somehow i still hated going to upper frets with it and i dont with my jackson. weird but true.
Yes, je1200(midboost) is 6db, je1500 (wah) up to 24db, je2000(for basses) is 12db but there's nothing written about the JE1000...interesting.

I have two copies of JE1000 built from the diagram that was taken from an actual JE1000. One guy built it for me (and some other people) so I have a 1:1 copy, but with higher quality materials.

I can say from my own experience that Jackson J50BC+JE1000 has more gain and less noise on highest setting than EMG HZ3+EMG PA2 on highest setting.

Oh, and that mod that you can do...wire the on-off switch of the PA2 to the push pull pot sounds nice...can you make a good diagram? I'd be interested into doing that on one of my guitars.

yea, i got midterms right now so i cant do it at this moment, in a few days when i get some time im going to rip apart my pa2 and draw better diagrams and test it on my pa2 first (and since that requires soldering, i cant do it right now like i said, gimme a week or something and ill do it) as for the je1000, do you still have the schematic for it? mind uploading it to sendspace and sending me the link?

yea, what you can try to do is put 2 9v batteries in the pa2 so therell be less clipping/distortion. never tried it myself
How's the upper fret access on the RR24? Does the body start further up than the Alexi signature models, resulting in easier reach to the 24th fret due to more room for your thumb to slide up the neck?

Dont remember how it was on a alexi sig but i got no problems reaching 24th fret and im really short fingered:)