New Opeth album cover


Feb 23, 2008

I got a feeling this thread is going to activate Project: Bitch and Moan. :lol:

I dig the cover. I wonder what the artwork for the inner booklet will be like.
Not too sure what to think about this. Between this and the DVD cover, I'm a little confused.
After that whole conversation between Mikael and Steven Wilson in the film Insurgentes about how a lot of classic metal album covers are incredibly cheesy, I have to wonder about this, although it's a bit too well-crafted to be a joke.
11 past members according to Wiki...11 skulls under the tree. A couple Still Life references on the cover too. Definitely a legit cover. I think it is cool that they are doing a kind of less "serious" album cover... I just hope the album kicks ass.
Just noticed.... Is that Per falling off the tree, because he's gone now, but is on the album? You might be onto something with the past members stuff...
looks like a 70s hippie-ish cover.

Bingo! This looks so much like the covers from the old 60's & 70's psychedelic type bands I'm guessing he's really pushing that type sound for this album. Personally I think the heads in the tree are funny in a cool way because it instantly made me think of that type vibe. Can't wait to hear it
Love it actually. Was just about to say looks like 70s prog LP. Which has effectively already been established two posts up.

Opeth love Camel and Floyd and all that stuff, so it doesn't surprise me other than the fact they moved away from Travis Smith - who'd done pretty much all of their previous stuff. Unless of course that is a travis smith piece which is even more surprising it doesn't look like his work at all.