NEW Opeth Album

Lora @ MFN

Music For Nations
Oct 31, 2001

I am stunned. "Deliverance", the first of the two Opeth albums, arrived at the MFN offices today. OK, I knew it would be brilliant - it's Opeth. And, I knew it would be heavy - it's the 'heavy' album. But my god, I never could have imagined it could be's hard to put into words, seriously. Ask Mike how much I always babble on, it's not like me to be lost for words! But I'll try to do it justice, here goes...Not only is it brutal in THE most incredible way, it has a passion and feel that touch you on a whole new level, even for Opeth. It's Opeth beyond heavy, yet reaching every human emotion in a wonderfully classy way and still respecting light and shade. "Deliverance" is an experience you'll always remember. I can still feel it up my spine just writing about it. No record company bullshit hype. I am so moved by it I just had to come on here and vent. I'll shut up now...:eek:
The Hype now growing to a critical point... :mad:
Originally posted by Lora @ MFN
Trust me, it's a very special kind of brutal. Listening to the album right now - my god......

Hang on a minute, it is being released by your company, is it not? :lol:

Hey, I'd plug B.Spears if it meant getting a pay check...:rolleyes:

- But I'm sure it's a great album, nonetheless. ;)
humm...but is it in anyway comparable in pure brutal death metal or more the kind of My Arms, Your Hearse album (ex. Demon of the Fall)????
Good one! Well, I can see why you'd say that, but here at MFN we do not 'plug B. Spears.' Further, I do not do press & promotion and coming on here and talking about an amazing album is not in the old job description and not what I get paid for. Yes, I work for MFN (Head of A&R), but I am also a huge Opeth supporter - one who is lucky enough to work with the incredible individuals in Opeth. Some label people do what they do because of passion...
It is difficult to add anything to what I already said. Brutal, but classy while respecting light and shade. It goes beyond any words I can come up with - I am not very good with words! And I wouldn't want to try and say what it is comparable to.
What's he take us for fools?

He can't describe what it sounds like, because he's not good with words? The guy wrote his first post like he was the freaking PR person for MFN. Sounds like he's mighty fine with words to me... and it also sounds like a bunch of bullshit...

I'm not saying it's not good... but:

1.) either this guy not heard it yet...
2.) he's trying to hype it up (marketing ploy... most likely!!!)
3.) he's heard it, but really is not allowed to fully comment on it yet... (I doubt this to be the case)

Either way you slice, I wouldn't put much stock in what this clown has to say about it. Not based on what he has said so far at least...