NEW Opeth Album

Originally posted by Monsterxman
I laugh at all my posts... and many of Interesti posts (who tries to bash me at every turn)...


:p :lol:
Originally posted by Monsterxman

I hardly think it's being selfish to have a different view. I'm sure there are actually a few people who agree with me. I mean isn't this the place to exchange thoughts and ideas about Opeth? If anyone is being selfish, it is you sir, by telling me I can't have an opinion. Which is just plain unfair.

Yes but your comments are unappropriate and un-called for. Your entitled to your own opinion, but what is the point of corrupting a thread that is meant to be a positive one. I see nothing offensive about Lora's original post, her only intention was to fill us in a bit in regards to Opeth's upcoming release, thats it, not to provoke some debate, this is what makes your comments unappropriate.

Originally posted by Monsterxman

I apologize for my approach, but I definitely not for having a different opinion.

Like I said you could have your own opinion fro anthing you please, but sometimes you have to consider other people. If something is intended to be optimistic then its best just to keep it that way as long its not being aimed at you directly. IN other words be mature about it, you know be smart and don't be like some people here that just want to feud over everthing that comes across them.

Originally posted by Monsterxman

"Well man I hope your happy." - What the fuck is that supposed to mean...

Hope your happy as in hope your happy for converting the thread into something that it wasn't suppose to be in the first place, make sense?
Originally posted by Monsterxman

This particular post was started by a PR person for PR reasons...
That's why I have a problem here...
You can call me an asshole or whatever you like...


how the fuck would you know what her motives for posting are.

sorry you must be god
Well said for the most part.
I'm glad that you came back to your senses and agree that everyone has a right to their own opinion.

My intention was not corrupt this thread, which I don't think is possible, since we are all excited about this release. I was just hoping to get a bit more information from Lora.

The way she has described the album, you would think it's easily going to be the greatest thing Opeth has done to date... quite possibly the greatest metal album of all time? And yet, Mikael Akerfeldt's own words were, "I think I like it."...

Well it sounds to me like either one person is really overstating or the other person is really understating how good the album is...
or perhaps neither is being completely honest...

I guess we will find out when it's available to the general public.

BTW - "Well man I hope your happy" - Not sure why you really said that. But your use of sarcasm is not appreciated, appropriate, or necessary. We don't need to attack one another that way on our posts here on the Opeth forum... even when we disagree, as friends we can be mature about it.

No i am not god. The reason I said she is posting for PR reasons is because she works for the label producing this album.
In addition, she has posted other Opeth PR type postings in the past. In addition to that, take out a few words and it's pretty much written exactly like a press release.

By the way, I don't think it's a negative thing she did. I think it's wacky how everyone assumes that she is being totally honest and it's totally unbiased.

Thanks for the intelligent and colorful post.

pac1288 - maybe you have a point about the idiot's here.
Thanks Stinkfist for backing me up here...
That's an excellent question to ask.
It's people like you who really do us service over here at the Opeth forum, not Lora.
I look forward to seeing that interview... I hope you ask(ed) some of the questions I suggested. That was a great idea (to get the opinions of Opeth fans with regards to questions!)
Excellent post, thank you!
Originally posted by Stinkfist
Mikael Akerfeldt's own words were, "I think I like it."

I've asked him about that in my interview.

To me that sounded like him being humbly impressed with it. I guess I took what he said differently than many of the rest of you. But, I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
We don't need to attack one another that way on our posts here on the Opeth forum... even when we disagree, as friends we can be mature about it. [/B]

Then, let’s continue in that perspective…

Can't wait for the interview Stinkfist :)
Originally posted by Lora @ MFN

I am stunned. "Deliverance", the first of the two Opeth albums, arrived at the MFN offices today. OK, I knew it would be brilliant - it's Opeth. And, I knew it would be heavy - it's the 'heavy' album. But my god, I never could have imagined it could be's hard to put into words, seriously. Ask Mike how much I always babble on, it's not like me to be lost for words! But I'll try to do it justice, here goes...Not only is it brutal in THE most incredible way, it has a passion and feel that touch you on a whole new level, even for Opeth. It's Opeth beyond heavy, yet reaching every human emotion in a wonderfully classy way and still respecting light and shade. "Deliverance" is an experience you'll always remember. I can still feel it up my spine just writing about it. No record company bullshit hype. I am so moved by it I just had to come on here and vent. I'll shut up now...:eek:

Great to hear. Makes me wish I got the album a few weeks before release so I could make Opeth's legion of fans jealous too.
Originally posted by Opethfan1980
To me that "I think I like it" was just "I'm too burnt out to even think about it now."

i agree. dont read too much into that statement its a combination of couldnt be bothered thinking and humblness.

if you read it in the context in which it came and indicates that he was too tired to think and it was a very relaxed interview which means he was giving answers appropriate to the situation.

i also think mikael could have said it with a slight sense of humor cosidering he worked his arse into the ground for these 2 albums, he could have said it with a touch of irony as hed just come out of a grueling schedule of recording

That's how I took it. Some of you are reading his words too literally. I think the whole sentence was "It's fucking weird, but I think I like it." Just someone talking about their creation.
I feel sorry for Lora.... I mean not being allowed to form her own opinions on music for a lable 'she' happens to work for... sheesh, that must be hard. :rolleyes:

I guess it's simply not concieveble that 'her' post was by 'her' and for 'her' needing to vent pent up emotions to someone who would appreciate her opinion of a certain band. :rolleyes:

That said, I'm still pissed at 'her' for getting on to simply say that the albums good and so on so forth, that's just teasing..... :p

Not that I want any more info, cos that'd just spoil it.....

Ah well. Too...... much ......HYPE! Can't......think.....straight.......

Thanks for making me a nervous wreck for the next 4 weeks..... :rolleyes: :Smug: :p

Post Edit: OK, I will recant on ONE thing..... As long as no one goes on about what the album sounds like, I'm sure ALOT of people here would appreciate a TRACK LISTING for the new album, that way people can leave it up to their imaginations as to what individual songs might sound like. :D (I know, I'm a sucker for punishment)
Monsterxman, amazing that you would attack someone you obviously know nothing about. I, for one, respect anyone who has an opinion, if I agree with it or not. I wouldn't dream of getting personal about your comments.

Regardless, as pointed out, I am female. Further, I do not do PR and coming up with nifty strap lines and reviews is not what I do - so sorry if you do not like how I tried to describe the new Opeth album. What I do here at MFN is A&R, a big part of my job being that of directly looking after Opeth. Having heard the new album for the first time yesterday - and being a huge supporter of the band, as well as working with them - I was stunned by what I heard and wanted to share it with the board. I was so moved by what I heard that I wanted to say something, simple as that. No one is asking you to believe anything or agree with my opinion.

The guys have produced a brilliant album and I am proud of them. They are amazing people and I consider it an honour to work with them. Not only are they incredible at what they do, but their kindness and respect make working with them a pleasure, not a job.