NEW Opeth Album

Changso - It doesn't surprise me that you believe the person... Aren't you the same kid who got upset because his mom wrote an email to Michael Akerfeldt?

Whether the comment is sincere or not is irrelevant anyway...

Just taking the comments for what they are: What the heck did this person tell us that we didn't already know?

This is a total PR ploy....
Monsterx....why are you getting so indignant that Lora is sharing? I'm glad she is, because she does work with Opeth and I would take her word before most other people's on this board....and it's hardly for is the band's's not like she's trying to sell this album to people who have never heard of them....most of the people here are already going to buy the album....
Monsterxman, you'd think it wouldn't be a very wise use of time to hype an album to a group of people that are ALREADY FUCKING BUYING IT, now would you?

I'd be more suspicious of wheter or not this person actually works for music for nations, or is just pulling our chain.

At any rate, I'll give him/her the benefit of the doubt and believe it.
Changso - It doesn't surprise me that you believe the person... Aren't you the same kid who got upset because his mom wrote an email to Michael Akerfeldt?

Having a mom implies that I'm a kid...oh well :rolleyes:
Anothing thing, if you did read the topic carefully, you'd know that I wasn't upset because my mom emailed Mikael...I was upset because she used my account to send it...
Another thing...where being naive (In the case I was..) as something to do with frustration?
I think it's an excellent use of time... now you have a bunch of kids like Changso running around telling their friends (and mom) how great it's going to be...

Opethfan1980... yeah that's my feeling... for a person who listened to the album, she didn't tell us one fact about it... I'm suspicious as well...

The reason I get so indignant, is because she basically says shit ( a few adjectives) about the album and then you have a bunch idiots running around saying how great it's going to be... and how they can't wait to buy it....

If I wrote a separate post and basically gave no details at all... and said that it wasn't good... everyone here (including Changso) would say, you don't know what your talking about... you probably never listened to it...

Well I'm hear to say... she probably never listened to it...
If she did, I'd appreciate her writing down a better description of what it is really like... instead of just saying it's classy in a total Opeth way... or whatever stupid shit she said...
This is a total PR ploy....
God forbid members of the OPETH FORUM get more excited.

The last time I remember reading Lora's words were just before Blackwater Park came out...or was it confirming two albums. Maybe Monster's just one that doubts people in general. Sometimes you put your foot in your mouth, but hell it's the price of admission for the caviler. :p

That or...could he be...he sounds you doubt the mighty O.
This can't be! Say it isn't so!!
Originally posted by Monsterxman
... now you have a bunch of kids like Changso running around telling their friends (and mom) how great it's going to be...

God. Just let people be excited about the damn album.

Whilst I do agree with your point about not giving much of a description - no it isn't a good description and know we didn't learn anything about it, from it - but for God's sake stop being such a fucking idiot (referring to the quote, just to spell it out to you.)
You're just being a dick.... :lol: (yes I am laughing at you)
and her description is fine....she said what it made her feel upon listening to it....if you want a 3 page synopsis with every chord being outlined, then I guess you're not going to get that....

First off, I'm glad you agree with...

Second, Hey, I'm not trying to kill anyone's excitement. I'm excited myself. However, getting excited from what Lora said, is just plain wacky. I think I'm just being realistic...

Here so everyone can get more excited (since this seems to do the trick for most of you):

The album is a true masterpiece. In fact I am speechless after listening to it. I would tell everyone all about it, but I lack the words to accurately describe it... it's heavy in a heavy sort of way... but it's totally a good heavy... and yes, it is wonderful!!
Dark but very classy in a classy sort of way...

Oh please... this such bullshit... this is basically all she said...

I'll tell you what after Michael Akerfeldt gives it his thumbs up (which he hasn't done yet)... I'll get excited... but until then... I'm waiting...
Well, I can only speak for myself (but I think others may feel the same)....I've been looking forward to hearing these new albums since it was announced that there were going to be two new albums....people are just expressing their excitement....and it hasn't only been in this stop being an asshole and raining on everyone's parade....
I don't care if it's total bullshit, or just a stunt to hype us up. It worked on me. I can't fucking wait. They should post stuff like this everyday, by the time the CD comes out I'll have burst with anticipation.
Originally posted by Triste
You're just being a dick.... :lol: (yes I am laughing at you)
and her description is fine....she said what it made her feel upon listening to it....if you want a 3 page synopsis with every chord being outlined, then I guess you're not going to get that....

Yeah no fucking shit, this is really becoming irritating to me now, what should have been a positive thread is now becoming a negative one.

I know there is some individuals in here that go overboard but who fucking cares just igonore them, besides its just a small number that over exaggerate, the rest just praise the band at normal levels. some negative people here are just mixing the two and putting them in a general catagory.

I see nothing wrong with somebody coming in here and advocating Opeth's music even if its somebody from MFN. Its not really like she is promoting it, you have to realize that this is an Opeth board like mentioned earlier. Lora is just a big Opeth fan, thats why she comes in here and shares anything new that comes from the band.

If somebody whats to be happy about the news let them be they have the right.
I'm really not trying to be an asshole...
I'm just trying to get people to think a little...
and if it takes being an asshole to accomplish it...
so be it.

Like I said, I am excited myself for these two albums...
I've expressed it many times on other posts.
I think they are both going to be excellent.

This particular post was started by a PR person for PR reasons...
That's why I have a problem here...
You can call me an asshole or whatever you like...

I'll admit I'm wrong and apologize to everyone when Lora comes back and gives a better description to all the Opeth fans on this board, who are the biggest Opeth fans in the world... I think we deserve it. I'm sure she's going to do anyway... right guys?

Instead of calling me an asshole, how about agreeing with me for a change?
Yeah but your being sellfish, in other words you want things your way on this thread when you could have kept your negativity to yourself the whole time.

Hasn't it occured to you yet that maybe Lora doesn't want to spoil the album for everybody. This is one reason for her vague description. this is why its not always good just to assume.

Well man I hope your happy.

Please excuse these idiots on this board, we have quite a few of them now, Its kind of difficult having a a normal discussion regarding the band without some fool coming in and contributing there negative comments and ruining everthing for everbody.

I hardly think it's being selfish to have a different view. I'm sure there are actually a few people who agree with me. I mean isn't this the place to exchange thoughts and ideas about Opeth? If anyone is being selfish, it is you sir, by telling me I can't have an opinion. Which is just plain unfair.

I apologize for my approach, but I definitely not for having a different opinion.

"Maybe Lora doesn't want to spoil it for everybody?"

Yeah, it did occur to me that Lora might not want to spoil the album for everyone... but before I decided to write about that, it occured to me even more: maybe Lora just wants to sell a few more albums, afterall she does work for the label that is producing/promoting it. Maybe I am guilty of being greedy... but I hardly think a little more description would spoil the album for most of us... If anything, it would get us more excited, since we could possibly find a reason to believe Lora's not just a PR person, who never heard the album, who didn't even write the words to the original post, who has no interest in Opeth and who is just doing her job.

As for the last part of your message:

"Well man I hope your happy." - What the fuck is that supposed to mean... did I get drunk and run over a school of 3rd graders or something... lighten up man... this is just a board and a little busting of chops (Sorry Changso) is supposed to be in fun...
life is short... laugh a little...
I laugh at all my posts... and many of Interesti posts (who tries to bash me at every turn)... and of course I laugh at Changso's posts about his mom sending Mikael email and many other people write witty and interesting posts too...

Can't we all just be friends here?