New Opeth album!

I'll agree with statements about BWP being their best, but Fredman mixed it and Wilson really only helped with the production aspect of clean vocals and keyboards. He was far less involved with the record than he's generally given credit for. This becomes really apparent in the bonus DVD that was released with the anniversary package of BWP last year.
Honestly just really wish Sneap could jump on the mix. At least we know it will sound good that way.
Wilson can barely handle mixing rock, let alone a band like Opeth.
Its all a smoke screen guy, they are going with Tad Donnelly. He'll take care of the "squawk" that has been plaguing their albums for awhile. I am super excited about this really.:loco:
Euuugh, I love Sneap, but his style does not at all work for the band.

Well it's not like Wilson's style (which isn't very good) would be any better.
And I'm far from the only person on the Sneap board who thinks he just isn't a good mix engineer.
At least Sneap has a background in mixing metal and has mixed for the band before (although yes Deliverance wasn't exactly amazing sounding, but we all know of the big challenges he faced on that one).
Don't take it as Sneap ass kissing, since I haven't even bothered to hear everything he's done so far and I'm not in love with all the production work/mixes he's done.

Jens isn't my favorite mix engineer around, but at least he could do way better job than Wilson could.
Honestly just really wish Sneap could jump on the mix. At least we know it will sound good that way.
Wilson can barely handle mixing rock, let alone a band like Opeth.

Yeah, I really don't think Sneap's style would fit where Opeth is right now musically. I'm skeptical about Wilson mixing, but he's done great stuff and I know in the end it's going to sound awesome. I just hope Bogren's more involved somehow. Favorite mixer/engineer by far.
I was surprised to see that Jens was tracking the album and not mixing it. I am glad to see that SW is in the mix for this album but was not expecting him to mix the damn thing. I am sure it will sound fantastic since Jens is involved. I am anxious to hear how the mix turns out though.
DeathByDeath said:
Ghost Reveries is the best. I think they still have yet to top that.

Finally someone who shares my opinion! Ghost Reveries is simply out of this world, I still stand in shock everytime I listen to it, My favorite album ever (by any band) without a doubt.

Can't wait for a new album, I love every Opeth release and Im sure I'll love the next one as much as the others
Hopefully Mikael writes far better material than that disjointed terrible album Watershed. Only songs worth a damn on there were Heir Apparent and Hessian Peel.
I miss señor Lopez on drums. He has some new projects now, one is called Soen an they have some songs in their myspace (pretty similar to Tool). Anyhoo, I didn't quite enjoy Watershed, so...
Hopefully Mikael writes far better material than that disjointed terrible album Watershed. Only songs worth a damn on there were Heir Apparent and Hessian Peel.

Hell, I really like Burden. There's no way you can say that guitar solo trade off between Mike and Fredrik isn't amazing.
Even if you don't like the song, it seems like you'd at least want to skip straight to that part and listen to the solos and harmonized bit after.
I always feel really moved after those solos.
I think Coil is okay, but otherwise yeah I agree it's a pretty disjointed album.

If there's one thing that's been consistent in Opeth's career (indeed Mikael's career in general) is that the guitar solos were always really tasty and fit the music. I have no doubt it will be that way to on the new album.
I feel the guitar solos took a huge plunge downward on Watershed. They became a lot more improv/self-absorbed sounding. Mike's trademark to me were always tastefully constructed solos with memorable melodic licks, unmarred by generic blues wankery as what pervades Watershed.
+1, I didn't really *like* Watershed.

The rest of their stuff is excellent, both musically and production-wise.
I'm stoked since to me Watershed was one of their best albums in years, only second to Still Life :) I prefer the more prog-like style in the 60/70's vein, as their death metal aspect is sometimes too generic. It's very difficult to make death metal that sounds interesting (95 % isn't).
1. Blackwater Park
2. Still Life
3. Ghost Reveries

that's my ultimate top 3 (un)holy list of the best fucking albums i've heard of all times. It's good to hear SW is back on board. I also hope they will go away from Watershed direction.

Not to mention I was on their gig few months ago and they played The Moor! My favourite song of all times, this song is so rare on stage. Man I'm so hyped now.