New Queensryche Streaming

Running it for the first time. Enjoying it so far, more than I thought. I think the choruses are strong. Are people still complaining about the production? Sounds fine to me, higher-end than what I usually listen to in any case. Definitely not a metal album, but I don't feel that O:M and RFO were metal albums either, strictly speaking. Don't make my enjoy Mindcrime any less. Some riffs are lifeless but the vocals are strong enough to carry through the weak spots.

I kind of get the guitar observation, Wilton is a skilled player but he doesn't have the "lyrical" qualities that DeGarmo displayed. Regardless I think there's quite a bit to like, musically it reminds me more of 90's Fates Warning than any 'Ryche material.

EDIT: That Sacred Warrior track was pretty cool!
I think a lot of folks speculated that Michael had all these classic era QR riffs just lying around, that Geoff's tyranny had prevented him from rolling out.

I don't know about classic era, but the "mosh pit demos" by Scott & Michael were ideas created for OM:2 and rejected (by GT). Subsequently they put them up on sonofind for tv and other licensing
Not sure what the rules are to linking other forums, but googling "wilton rockenfield mosh pit demos" takes you to the story.

Haven't listened to in depth, but it's an interesting insight to where they were at the time and what's on "self-titled".
So what you're saying is, the greatest Metal album of all-time isn't a Metal album? Crap! I've been listening to wrong genre of music all these years. :loco:
haha, Mindcrime is a top-five album for me, jam that shit once a week. Live version too. I feel like it's a really grandiose, dark, ambitious hard rock story with a handful of metal songs on it when you stack it next to The Warning and the EP material. Just the vibe I take from it
I don't know about classic era, but the "mosh pit demos" by Scott & Michael were ideas created for OM:2 and rejected (by GT). Subsequently they put them up on sonofind for tv and other licensing
Not sure what the rules are to linking other forums, but googling "wilton rockenfield mosh pit demos" takes you to the story.
Interesting. I'll definitely give this a listen when I get home.

haha, Mindcrime is a top-five album for me, jam that shit once a week. Live version too. I feel like it's a really grandiose, dark, ambitious hard rock story with a handful of metal songs on it when you stack it next to The Warning and the EP material. Just the vibe I take from it
I get what you're saying. A lot of the music of the 80s doesn't feel as Metal as it once did, compared to some of the insanely dark and aggressive music that came about the 1990s.
Zod has a good point. But these bands who have this kind of name recognition aren't likely to scrap it for something new when they can pull in a few hundred people off the name alone, not to mention the album sales. It's my opinion that if you lose most of the band it's time to re-name.

I recall these same type of discussions when Jugulator came out.

What about the new Sabbath album? Granted, you have the majority of the band, it's a solid album (if you get the deluxe Best Buy version, at least a couple up tempo numbers on the bonus disc) but will it go down in history and be talked about decades from now like the first 4 or the RJD releases?
Carl Albert (RIP) was just as good as Tate in his prime. Many singers were just as good but never got the recognition. For instance Tim Benz was an incredible singer but I doubt many people are familiar with him. The list goes on.
Carl Albert (RIP) was just as good as Tate in his prime. Many singers were just as good but never got the recognition. For instance Tim Benz was an incredible singer but I doubt many people are familiar with him. The list goes on.

Carl Albert was/is one of my all-time singers (in fact, I have to disagree with Zod...Operation Mindcrime isn't the best metal album ever; Digital Dictator from Vicious Rumors is :headbang:), but it's tough to compare him to Tate since they are/were very different singers. Tate could never scream/roar like Albert, but he did have an amazing vocal tone that Carl didn't have. In their prime,though, they were both top of the heap.
Carl Albert was/is one of my all-time singers (in fact, I have to disagree with Zod...Operation Mindcrime isn't the best metal album ever; Digital Dictator from Vicious Rumors is :headbang:), but it's tough to compare him to Tate since they are/were very different singers. Tate could never scream/roar like Albert, but he did have an amazing vocal tone that Carl didn't have. In their prime,though, they were both top of the heap.

Love that album as well, maybe not #1 but in my top 10 certainly, Carl Albert sadly missed...
Alrighty..I finally picked up a copy of the LaTorre Queensryche, and while I thought it was pretty good, I just didn't feel like I was listening to "Queensryche" felt and sounded more like a band trying to sound like old-ish Queensryche. I didn't hear much innovation....nothing "new". It's a band that's trying to recapture something they had a loooong time ago, and unfortunately, they're now missing the two biggest reasons why they had that "something". I'll have to listen to it a few more times for it to really sink in, but right now I prefer the Tate-Ryche cd more (even with the muddy production)...I think it also takes a backseat to Mindcrime II (the more I listen to MC II, the more I like it....weird? Probably.). Maybe I'm just a Tate fan...yeah, he seems to be quite good at douchebaggery, but I dig him as a singer/writer.
Lastly, LaTorre is quite decent, but he's no Geoff Tate. He reminds me more of a poor mans Ray Alder.
Mixed bag with me. While some of these tunes have nice hooks and good melodies and vocals, they just are lacking in pedigree. I may be in the minority here, but even though Tate and Degarmo were only 2/5 of the band, they were 4/5 of the talent. There is a void in the song-writing area that cannot be filled with these guys...yet. This is an obvious rush job to get it to the market, and the sound quality is exhibit A. It comes across as a demo to my ears. There's some cool stuff going on here that I didn't expect, though. I just would have liked them to take a bit longer and flesh these ideas out and make a stellar album instead of good. Maybe this gets better with further listens, maybe this eventually gets regular rotation for me. I don't have the urge to give it to Goodwill, so that's a positive. Overall a very solid 6.5 out of ten. I hope to raise the score by year's end.
It's about 50/50 for me. Some of it I absolutely love, but some of it is just very meh. I do agree that it has an Empire/PL feel to it rather than a RFO/Warning/O:M vibe. That said, it is the first QR CD in a long time that I have actually listened to all in one sitting, and also the first that I actually can listen to more than once. Several of the songs actually get stuck in my head. It's better than I had anticipated, but not quite as good as I had hoped. But that's a good start, I guess.

I wonder what people would be saying if the band had written/released this exact CD with Tate on vocals. I imagine it would be hailed as a "return to form" and the CD that would resurrect their career. People have been clamoring for a Queensryche CD with Tate that sounds like this for years. Now the band has finally delivered (too little too late?) and people are writing Todd off as a clone and criticizing the band. Damned f you do, damned if you don't...
well the album broke the Billboard Top 200 at 23 for its first week of sales. Not bad

One other great thing about the new lineup and album is, I can actually wear my Queensryche shirts again without shame :)

My QR band t-shirts all are the classic album artwork, so there's no confusion there. I do not own a Tribe shirt, nor do I believe there were any made.

I listened to this a little bit again last night and it's decent. It's just not QR. The band, in it's original lineup, wrote songs based on an idea and a concept. All of these tunes are based on a riff, much like most modern rock and metal bands. That is the main difference in songwriting. Some of this riffage is pretty tasty, but it's not QR. They should have kept the Rising West name. The guitar sound didn't help either. When the vocals begin on Redemption, the backing guitars sound like a downtuned, djentish, palm-muted kazoo. They should have had a huge, thick, nasty guitar sound on this album. Listen to the new DGM for what a metal guitar should sound like. I don't hate this album and I want to like it, but there are obvious flaws that might not be able to be overlooked.
I've spun it probably 10 times .. damn good disc in my opinion. It's perhaps not earth shattering in any way, but it's a strong return for these guys. The songs are good quality, and several of them are really catchy. Todd sounds really good .. he's an excellent replacement for Tate. He's not quite what Geoff was when he was on top, but he beats the hell out of him these days, and does those old tunes justice as well. This unit is now viable again, and has the chance to put out some really good material over the next few years, plus the live shows should be a major improvement because they can do so much more of the catalog. As for the new disc, If they could accomplish this much with a rushed out product imagine what could do if they take the time to fine tune everything.
