New Setlist Thread!

^ That guy with the mask is insanely good! I love his videos!

I've found some more videos:

And here's a lower-quality video of the second half of Electric Messiah:

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That Heretic video pisses me off. Once again, why the hell wasn't he zoomed in at the start of that solo? He stays locked on Allen like a pro and then solo time comes and he thinks we want to see a zoomed out view? Damn it.
That Heretic video pisses me off. Once again, why the hell wasn't he zoomed in at the start of that solo? He stays locked on Allen like a pro and then solo time comes and he thinks we want to see a zoomed out view? Damn it.

It sucks, but the majority of people think that the singer is the star and that the music "behind" them is just a backing track to their vocals. I would think that fans of Symphony X would have more common sense than that, but I guess some don't.
It sucks, but the majority of people think that the singer is the star and that the music "behind" them is just a backing track to their vocals. I would think that fans of Symphony X would have more common sense than that, but I guess some don't.

I notice this all the time with casual/mainstream music listeners.

A common question to prove this: "Who sings this song again?"

These people always ask where the singing is when an instrumental part comes in, or if the song has a long instrumental intro. I find it funny.

I actually like this song better now that I've heard a live version - the album version sounds a bit "dead" compared to this one. This is a much needed mid-tempo number in a set mostly full of super-fast stuff. I'd still rather hear Prometheus, though.
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Or maybe he has a boner for Russell Allen

Unfortunately I think you are probably more on point here. During the WAIL video, there is a part where there is no singing with some great drum parts and guitar work going on and guess where the camera is...on Russell drinking water...what in the hell?! I think having a shitty video like that is worse than not having one.
I wonder if Symphony even cares about what the fans want to hear anymore...

Part of me hopes that Symphony X plays whatever they want, regardless of the whims of the "last two album only" fans. On the other hand, I truly believe what the band wants to play is the new stuff (including PL songs).

Now when I say "the band," I'm referring to Russ. MJR has made it clear that he prefers writing and playing the more progressive stuff, and I believe Allen has steered them into playing stuff that he considers "more fun." Romeo knows that the newer stuff will draw a bigger audience, and for a band in their mid-40s, to him it's probably a good thing. It also seems that the other three guys have little say in anything, unfortunately, based on the writing credits of the last two albums. It almost seems like those three view the band as a side hobby, and don't want to be involved in much.

One thing is for sure: if this band is going to make a radical change from the Iconoclast sound, it needs to be a group writing process. MJR's writing is great, but I thought it was better when everyone contributed.
Hopefully they will do another one of those setlist polls and switch up the set eventually. Im sure they will be on tour for a while so id expect to at least see SOME stuff get switched out.
I'm a bit late to this party, but forgive me. I fully support the setlist being 75% Iconoclast. It actually pisses me off when I see some bands and they don't play most of their new material. Even though playing all eight new songs in a row is a bad move too (this ain't V or something), but whatever. What is inexcusable is that atrocious encore which solely consists of three (or four!) PL songs. There is NO reason that any of those songs need to be played again on this tour. If you want to stick in one, fine. Playing both Inferno and Sins is also a joke. Do they really think they gained THAT many new fans this year? I'm pretty sure anyone who has ever seen them has seen them play those songs. I get that they only want to play their heavy, "this will get the kids headbanging" type songs now, but at least swap in King of Terrors or something for God's sake. And what about Church of the Machine? Wouldn't that fit in with the Iconoclast songs? Just ridiculous...

Definitely not seeing them on this tour unless a change is made.
The setlist of the PL tour was nearly perfect: lots of new songs, some of the "compulsory" classics a-la Inferno/Sins & Shadows, plus a couple of unexpected surprises, like Egypt, Through The Lookng Glass and Masquerade. The perfect balance, in my opinion.

This tour's setlist goes exactly in the opposite direction, completely unbalanced: too much stuff from an album I can't say I'm fond of, plus a lot of more-than-usual songs. I could have even accepted all of the songs from Iconosclast if they added some stuff unplayed for long, it would have been worth the gig... but being this setlist, I won't have many regrets if sunday I won't be able, for any reason, to go to see them.

It's very sad to say so about a band who made it to surprise me and thrill me on each new release since 1997 :(
The setlist of the PL tour was nearly perfect: lots of new songs, some of the "compulsory" classics a-la Inferno/Sins & Shadows, plus a couple of unexpected surprises, like Egypt, Through The Lookng Glass and Masquerade. The perfect balance, in my opinion.

This tour's setlist goes exactly in the opposite direction, completely unbalanced: too much stuff from an album I can't say I'm fond of, plus a lot of more-than-usual songs. I could have even accepted all of the songs from Iconosclast if they added some stuff unplayed for long, it would have been worth the gig... but being this setlist, I won't have many regrets if sunday I won't be able, for any reason, to go to see them.

It's very sad to say so about a band who made it to surprise me and thrill me on each new release since 1997 :(

Actually the first leg of the PL tour was very similar to this, but with a few more older (same old) songs. Here was my set in 2007

Oculus Ex Inferni
Set the World on Fire (The Lie of Lies)
Serpent's Kiss
Paradise Lost
Inferno (Unleash the Fire)
Smoke and Mirrors
The Walls of Babylon
Sea of Lies
Of Sins and Shadows
The Odyssey

Yeah I got the Odyssey which was a big win imo but I think its slightly overrated, especially compared to Divine Wings. So honestly I'm hoping that they do two legs and follow the same format of PL touring wise. Its my only hope for classic songs anymore. Especially when I got screwed over in 08, when in my date they replaced Egypt/TTLG with Babylon again...
Just come back from Milan last night,the place was big and very crowded.
Good DGM even if I didn't know anything about their last records with new singer
but I think is a good supporting act for SX,even better Pagan's mind,they really
burn the house down.Amazing gig, awesome guitar player,powerful singer,they
played 3 songs from their last cd,unfortunately not "Resurrection",it was the first
time for me but I really enjoyed. About SX,the setlist was the same of Bochum,
I didn't read this tread in the last weeks but I was expecting more from "Iconoclast" and so was, it's a pity they didn't play "Reign in madness" and
"Prometeus (I am the light) they were among my favourite,despite all it was a
good gig,the band is in good shape expecially the feeling between Russell and
Romeo,the crowd was very hot and Russell had it in the palm of his hands.
A very good power prog night
I notice this all the time with casual/mainstream music listeners.

A common question to prove this: "Who sings this song again?"

These people always ask where the singing is when an instrumental part comes in, or if the song has a long instrumental intro. I find it funny.

Lol so true. I was listening to a full instrumental and my friend asked the same question.

"its instrumental."

"Yeah but who sings it?"

Lol so true. I was listening to a full instrumental and my friend asked the same question.

"its instrumental."

"Yeah but who sings it?"


He either doesn't understand what instrumental means, OR, he does understand, but was using the term "who sings" as a "what band is this" type of question, which is what I was referring to in my quote.
Unfortunately, it's not the whole song.

Symphony X - Iconoclast

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Maybe because it sounds like it was written in five minutes? It just seems... thrown together. The chorus isn't terrible or anything, but it is kind of cheesy in a Broadway show-type of way. Am I the only one who hears this? I do like the neoclassical interlude (it's the only remotely neoclassical thing on this whole damned album, excluding tiny bits and pieces of End of Innocence), and the bridge is nice, but overall this song is just not my cup of tea.

Oh oh, I almost forgot "I wanna see you drown! In flames! Rawrrrrrrgghhhhhh!"

Fucking terrible.

I'm no fan of Lords of Chaos's Meshuggah bullshit, either, but overall I think it's a better song. Reign In Madness blows them both out of the water if you ask me. Electric Messiah (another first-class filler track) should have been exclusive to the special edition, with Reign ending the single-disc version.

The shouting part IS pretty lame, I'll give you that; however, it only lasts a few seconds.


If LUtN was written in 5 minutes then songs like Bastards and Heretic must have only taken them like maybe 2 minutes...