New site up and running

James Murphy said:
bet ya didn't type that on a PC. :grin:

We made a special smiley for just such an occasion on a forum I admin. :)


The MacWanker. ;) :P

Actually, most people now see it as a badge of honour now. :grin:

Hahahahahahahahahahaha, please tell me that's a Kung-POW! reference - "Your story makes my heart heavy, and my prostate weak" :lol:
hum, two things

Intro page... I never understand the purpose for these

WEB site spawns another window forcing a fixed size. Why?

Cool otherwise.

Because he bumped it up, I thought it was recent. So when I went to Andy's site I was like " the hell did Brett do...", then I came back and noticed the 2005 dates on all the posts.
