New Slipknot...

Jun 27, 2003
Anyone heard Duality? I actually don't find it to be that bad. I rather enjoy it actually. I am quite surprised that it is getting radio play though. It's the only song on the radio to feature breakdowns!

Once you get past the image, Slipknot really doesn't deserve all the shit that gets thrown their way by so-called "tr00" metalheads. I mean, their music is simplistic, repetitive and it does have a lot of that "Nu-Metal" groove to it I guess, but it's just something to listen to for fun. Who cares how much "talent" they have compared to "tr00" metal bands? Metal is Metal.

I am bored. Opinions please.
Life Sucks said:
Bump. That being said, Slipknot are still a hell of a lot heavier and better than Korn, Limp Bizkit, POD, Linkin Park, etc., though I do not really like them.

i rather have korn on my cd player then slipknot, atleast they were true and never said follow the leader album was a metal nor a rock album.
Erik said:
...and Slipknot ain't.
Love them or hate them Slipknot are heavy metal. Yes, they aren't too technical and they have gimmicks but they are still metal. When metallers talk about other metal bands they deny they are metal because they dont like the band. For example, we all know how fucking cheesy Manowar is, but they are still metal.
I hate Slipknot, but MFKR is their best CD. After hearing that godawful MP3 of "Pulse of maggots" I don't want to hear anything else off their new album.
im from iowa.. so know alot about slipknot, ive met most of the members, they are all cool guys... the only reason why they arent super heavy is because of Corey (8). i thought MFKR is was because it put all different types of music together like jazz and weird shit... but then they basically changed their whole band for their first album... so MFKR isnt really the new slipknot, it is metal, it is nu-metal, but it is heavy nu-metal because they use some metal elements... if they kick out corey, they probably will be way better...

the main reason why i hate them so much is because of their fans, my school is filled with them, and most of they are blind posers.....
Slipknot's good. They're music isn't amazing because their sound is meant to be chaotic. Though i admit pulse of the maggots sounded like shit the first time i heard it, it's like a step back for them. Iowa and a lot off their first album were great, but i'll still check out the CD. Their song Don't Come close was shit and Pulse of the maggots was fair, i haven't heard duality yet so dunno bout that one but i'm dissapointed in the new slipknot, but hopefully they'll have solos like they did in the pulse of the maggots song.

MFKR was a good album yes, anders is a great vocalist and killers are quiet is a great song(well the first half, the one i downloaded is only 10:00minutes long, the whole track i heard was over 20.)

Also about Korn, Korn is only "tr00" because they had their own sound. Despite the fact they have depressing lyrics and their new album sucks they were original and i'd rather listen to them then shit like linkin park, limp bizkit, and all the shit bands that came out since 2000(with the exception of mudvayne) but bands like adema and linkin park are insults!

I'd rather listen to KoRn or slipknot then most of those other nu-metal bands.
I have some respect for what slipknot does but I simply don't like their music... Limp Bizkit, Linkin park and friends are the worst thing I've ever heard and I wonder why so many people like them.
I used to enjoy this band a bit, but Pulse of the Maggots is such garbage that I don't think I'm gonna bother giving their new album a fair chance. Metal of some variety they may be, but that doesn't make them any more worth wasting time on.
one thing really pisses me off about slipknot... I went to see them in a few years ago, it was maybe a month after 9/11. At the middle of the show they gave some decent words about the tragedy, really sounded supportive and meaningful... after the words, they then preceded to play the song "666". Just was really weird and so hypocritical.
Maybe if they could write a solid riff, or play a goddamn guitar solo. I don't know about you guys, but the world needs more lead guitar. I don't want "chugga chugga" all the time. Its boring a repetitive. Things like this, I call "bad". Its a wonderful word, I use it to describe repetive and boring poser, "i hate my daddy," nu-metal.
Oceanic Motion said:
Slipknot are metal whether you like it or not. They're certainly not rock.

Yeah, those almost hard core screams, those whiney clean vocals, nu-metal-ish riffing, and angsty lyrics really are metal. Yup.

But the drumming is quite metal.
slipknot is a band that wants to be tough with image, they tell everyone how sick and twisted they are by pictures and costumes, but their music is fucking weak. their lyrics are shit and i even remember them having a big ass baphomet, while they arent anyhow satanic - so was this just for their tough metal image? wiggers with too big words.

and stop using the word "tr00", it doesnt only make your comments shitty but childish.
MAGUS said:
slipknot is a band that wants to be tough with image, they tell everyone how sick and twisted they are by pictures and costumes, but their music is fucking weak. their lyrics are shit and i even remember them having a big ass baphomet, while they arent anyhow satanic - so was this just for their tough metal image? wiggers with too big words.

and stop using the word "tr00", it doesnt only make your comments shitty but childish.
That's what really bothered me about 'Iowa', they started putting pentagrams and other satanic markings on their merchandise even though their music has nothing to do with satan.