New Social Thread

My friend's dad died and she asked me to go to the funeral. I've never seen or smelled a cremation before. I hope this isn't too scarring an experience.

My uncle was cremated. We made a sort of memorial in the back yard; a ring of stones about 18 inches high and maybe six feet in diameter, which we filled with soil and put his ashes in, and then put in a bunch of his favorite flowers. It's quite beautiful, but every time I think "my uncle is buried in the back yard" it sounds fucked up.
Cythraul, I was in your situation once. You say that you want to see her as a friend, which was exactly mine case also. Even though meeting with her as friends were enjoyable, after a couple of meetings I started to miss the things we've done together when we were in a relationship. I'm sure it's pretty obvious that if you don't want to be attached to her in an emotional way you would have to stop contacting her, at least I think so. Beign friends, friends that often see each other isn't a good solution after a long relationship, it is rather toxic IMO.
The Children of Hurin. I picked it up at the airport Borders before I flew out to MDF and had zero time to really read it, but what I had read so far I really enjoy.

Indeed, that is a quality novel, besides the two or three incredibly dry description chapters.
Glad to hear you're doing better Cythraul.

Yeah well it's been changed, I am now going to the wake and not the funeral. Tonight. I'm really nervous and I don't own pearls (Japanese women wear pearls to funerals).
You might be surprised by how much I wish I could pull off the whole goth thing sometimes. I could probably only get as close as "gothabilly" though. :lol:

me too man. even though "real" goths are often huge losers/total elitist jerks, I can't shake the rabid admiration I had for goths when I was like 12. I show my solidarity with ankh earrings and big boots whenever possible.
I got back today from my friend's wedding in Tampa. Fucking awesome week, lots of fun, got to see several people I haven't seen in a while. Copious amounts of alcohol consumed, lots of money spent. Success.