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Sorry for your loss man. :(

On an unrelated note, does anyone find the random page function on metal archives useful?
That combo breaker had me bursting into laughter.

Sucks for your loss though Cyth. Good luck with everything.
Sorry for your loss man. :(

On an unrelated note, does anyone find the random page function on metal archives useful?

Not really because I very rarely bother to listen to one (13 year old) man Kazahk black metal band that released one demo on tape last year.
I usually skip over stuff made after 95 for death metal, and ignore most of the black metal. I know this seems close minded or what ever, but chances are it's shit I don't care about.
If black metal is made after 00 it probably sucks so I skip it most of the time too. Which is probably dumb as some of it is probably listenable but w/e.
I laughed at Krig's combo breaker but I also understand how heartbreaking it is to watch grandmas die. I'm still sort of sad about my grandma dying in 2003. Big hugs Cythraul and sorry for your loss.

Krig we are both too fat to live in the same house, we would need cranes and shit to get us in and out.
So I've been working on writing the lyrics for this concept album my friend and I are creating together. I'm the only doing the writing because it was my concept, and he comes up with the guitar stuff. Long story short, I just came up with some of the most awesome lyrics ever. I wrote this entire song the other day, but my favorite is this single verse that I came up with this morning but goddamn is it awesome.

I'd post them but I don't trust you nygars.
Yeah sure.

It's loosely based off of my friend's life (former Marine) who is having problems with PTSD. It's basically a biography, briefly touching on his early life, handling the decision to join the Marine Corps, dealing with his parents to allow him to join. A majority of it is going to be focused around incidents while at war and the attempt to return to normalcy in his post-war life. I don't want to spoil the ending of it so I'll just stop there.

It's something very relatable for me and to be honest, is a pretty easy write thus far.
My life has been getting rather routine as of late. I wake up, play Pokémon, eat, sit around, eat, sit around. Meh. Eh, at least I have a careful hitmontop with good IV's and the technician ability.
You left out masturbating to pokemon. Don't lie.

My recent Firefly binge (watched every episode, and then again with commentary) has led me to desperation. There seems to have finally been some progress on the fan show Into The Black:

This is nowhere near as good in any way but god damn it there needs to be more Firefly.
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