New Social Thread

Hey I know this twerp by the name of Greedo, he's kinda dumb but he works for pretty cheap. I can hook you up if you want man.
ha. I hold a job for as normal as it is to hold a shit job making no money being around the same other misrable shitty people everyday. If I quit or get fired it's probably a good thing, for the sake of whatever mental health I have left. I get fired from a job and love it, fire me so I can careless then I originally did. See if I give a fuck.
Went to the first dance at my college, was kind of annoyed that literally everyone was drunk. I don't drink so I might as well cross them off my social schedule
Geez they do look questionable,i'll check them when these fuckers speed my pc up again,am especially interested in the Girls with hairy armpits in Czechoslovak movies link,I once dumped a girl in my early school years because one time we went swimming and I was mortified at the hair flowing from her armpits.