New Social Thread

There's also a part 2 in case you didn't see it.

Are you out of your mind?..

Nah, started like a week ago. And the whole course lasts 4,5 months.


I'm not sure why you're taking a class, you're damn good as it is! Any particular reason as for why you are taking them? Or it is just a general interest?
There's always more to learn! That's awesome. I really regret not actively studying Japanese while I was here. I could have gotten certified and been an officially "bilingual" person.

Languages are fun. I'd say I'm now bilingual in Spanish. And I should be since I'm going to have a BA in Spanish in May. I'm also learning a little Norwegian on my own now, and I'm definitely going to begin learning Portuguese soon too. The problem with the latter two languages I'm learning is that there aren't classes in my area for them.