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My girlfriend just got her G2 in the mail today. The best part about that is that I got her G1! HELL YES!

BESTEST part of all is that because I am non contract, have unlimited text, and am getting free internet (mooching rules) - all for $40 because I am not using their 3g network right now. Granted, I can't use the gps or any of that shit on the fly, but I have a real computer, and a printer... I don't need it.

I use a G2 aka HTC Magic. G1 is big and dorky.
I was a NCO for half my enlistment, and a Sergeant for almost the last year and a half, complete with BAH and kickass billet.

Me too sans sergeant and BAH.

Doesn't matter. To re-up you have to drink the fuckin koolaid, and get used to sitting behind a desk listening to PFCs and LCpls explain why they were drinking and driving over the weekend.

I like kool-aid. I was a corporal for the latter half of my enlistment and acting platoon sergeant for the last year (including a deployment) and I never had to deal with any of that. Maybe it's because infantry companies are run different than pogue, I dunno.

Re-enlisting is basically when you decide whether you're going to be a lifer or not. This is when you are all but forced to take more of a leadership role and take it upon yourself to "be the best." There's no fucking around if you want to go to DI school, or become an SOI instructor, or even a recruiter. They all have to know their shit, and if you aren't 100% into the Corps and everything it stands for then yes you probably won't like it at all.

I was | | close to re-enlisting, but decided to get out and go to school before I was killed in combat. I'm glad I did because I like the idea that I'm smarter, more mature, blah blah blah, now than I was before my first enlistment. And like you if or when I decide to go back in, it's as an officer.

And if the highlighted portion is correct, why does every senior staff person I ever heard talk about their favorite time/rank the Marine Corps, its always Sergeant and/or first enlistement.

Nostalgia? I don't know. I'm sure the Marine Corps was more fun when they had less to worry about as far as managing other Marines and having to deal with a family and a ton of bills and moving all your shit every 2-3 years etc. But such is the life of an enlisted Marine.
Had a 2009-2010 Western Australian metal awards night on Friday, and we were invited to play. It was a pretty darn good turn out, and it was at one of the bigger and more well known venues around in Perth that most international bands play. We ended up within the top 4 best local bands, top 4 best local bassist, and Mikey won best local drummer and Gav won best local guitarist as well.

It was kinda funny because when they announced that Gav won the award, everyone cheered but when he went to pick up the award about half the crowd were like "Awwwww, THE OTHER GUY!". I refused to get nominated for the position anyway and Gavin's been in previous local bands and me being a relatively new comer that no one knew personally. Besides I don't believe in having a best guitarist within a band that relies heavily on having 2 guitarists constantly playing different parts, even Gavin said that in his thank you speech that half the credit should go to me.
There's no fucking around if you want to go to DI school, or become an SOI instructor, or even a recruiter. They all have to know their shit, and if you aren't 100% into the Corps and everything it stands for then yes you probably won't like it at all.

The problem with buying in 100% is that the large majority of shit is done ass-backwards from the best/right way, and to accept that requires you to be pretty stupid or just not care and want the paycheck/benefits.
Had a 2009-2010 Western Australian metal awards night on Friday, and we were invited to play. It was a pretty darn good turn out, and it was at one of the bigger and more well known venues around in Perth that most international bands play. We ended up within the top 4 best local bands, top 4 best local bassist, and Mikey won best local drummer and Gav won best local guitarist as well.

It was kinda funny because when they announced that Gav won the award, everyone cheered but when he went to pick up the award about half the crowd were like "Awwwww, THE OTHER GUY!". I refused to get nominated for the position anyway and Gavin's been in previous local bands and me being a relatively new comer that no one knew personally. Besides I don't believe in having a best guitarist within a band that relies heavily on having 2 guitarists constantly playing different parts, even Gavin said that in his thank you speech that half the credit should go to me.

Dude that's awesome. Congratulations. Did you sell any shirts?

The G1 has less than a quarter of an inch difference in depth when compared to the HEAVIER G2. Plus it has a better keyboard (I'm not sure why they took away the other two rows).

Okay, the G1 is not big, but it looks dorky. The design of the G2 is lot better and i love my G2. It's the best phone i've had.
Okay, the G1 is not big, but it looks dorky. The design of the G2 is lot better and i love my G2. It's the best phone i've had.



I do wake and bakes sometimes, but I wouldn't do one before work or anything. Fuck that shit.

I used to really love wake'n'bake,pretty much the best time of the day to get wasted,just a pitty it kind've fucks the rest of the day,best saved for Saturdays imo.Seriously though when I was a stoner...there was nothing better than smoking while the sun's coming up...ah the memories or lack thereof :)
awesome Episteme! hard work is paying off for you and yours. kickass.

I've never done a wake-n-bake but today I had mimosas with brunch and it kind of fucked my stomach for a few hours. Almost as bad as that day I went to the beach and drank a whole bottle of champagne.
Hoping to get this when its released in late October/Early November


It can play hd video, can be hooked up to the TV, has a webcam/skype, an eReader, full internet browsing (with flash, unlike the iPad), and is only $299. Do want.