Had a 2009-2010 Western Australian metal awards night on Friday, and we were invited to play. It was a pretty darn good turn out, and it was at one of the bigger and more well known venues around in Perth that most international bands play. We ended up within the top 4 best local bands, top 4 best local bassist, and Mikey won best local drummer and Gav won best local guitarist as well.
It was kinda funny because when they announced that Gav won the award, everyone cheered but when he went to pick up the award about half the crowd were like "Awwwww, THE OTHER GUY!". I refused to get nominated for the position anyway and Gavin's been in previous local bands and me being a relatively new comer that no one knew personally. Besides I don't believe in having a best guitarist within a band that relies heavily on having 2 guitarists constantly playing different parts, even Gavin said that in his thank you speech that half the credit should go to me.