New Social Thread

DM what branch were you in?

Canadian Army. I left as a Corporal, was just about to do the Infantry Section Commander's course so I could move up into MCpl, and I already had my MG specialist course under my belt. Also, two tours of Afghanistan.

I then realized that if I was going to go for MCpl, I'd have to extend my commitment for another three years and then I'd basically turn into a non-commissioned lifer which I did not want. It wasn't about the money because once you hit the service years already put in at Sgt and Warrant Officer levels, you're making more money than a lot of COs up until the Major rank.

I may re-enlist with my eng degree, but I would need to mull it over for a while before making the commitment.
Work colleague and I cooked up a couple of cocktails awhile ago when we were bored. Turned out tasting damn good, haven't thought of names though.

Muddle third of capsicum, 5 lime wedges and 3 teaspoons of passion fruit, add ice, a shot of tequila, a shot of cointreau and half a shot of sugar syrup. Shake and double strain into a martini glass. Turned out tasting like a spicy passionfruit tasting margarita.

Muddle 5 lychees, 5 lime wedges, add ice, a shot of gin, a shot of lychee liqueur and half a shot of sugar syrup, shake and pour result into a rinsed rock glass with less than half a shot of black raspberry liqueur (or Chamboard).

Customers seemed to love our concoctions and ordered more. :kickass:
So soon like a few of you I'm going to have my own show on my college's radio station, and I'm trying to think of a name for it. The two I have so far aren't particularly creative (using song/album titles) but they would do, so I would like either positive input for one of the two or suggestions for a name please. So far I've got:

Shadow of the Horns

Left Hand Path
Welcome back to KFM 1.23.... and you're in the shadow of the horns!

*cue farting noises/random split second clips of songs*