New Social Thread

All this talk of an Indian arranged marriage reminds me of the schemes Apu did in order to forego his arranged marriage on The Simpsons. :lol:
This just happened on omegle haha:

You: HI
Stranger: yo
Stranger: asl
You: 21 m usa
Stranger: what state?
You: michigan
Stranger: are you white power?
You: lol not really
Stranger: then fuck you my pals lover
Oh I made some almighty shit-ups last night. I haven't actually been to bed, which is probably one of them.
I had to move because I had my pals living in my building and I could smell their blackness, so I wanted to get out before I caught their black germs and started to get darker skin and a longer dick. Niggerdom is actually contagious disease.
I just realized what is going on so I'm going to comment on this:

Alright guys, it was determined earlier today. In 2 months and 8 days, I'm going to be in an arranged marriage. Rub it in, I had no say in the matter :( Fuck my life.

Just think, in 2 months and 8 days you get to nail some hot broad for the rest of your life, and there aint shit she can do about it! ah hahahahfahfiashdfoiag
One on the left.


Dude. I gotta say that despite the whole, you know, obliteration of your personal liberty...

Well, let's just say I'd fuck your wife.