Most of the platoon sergeants in the Marine Corps infantry were sergeants, at least from my experience. But whatever, it's all about experience and knowledge anyways. I don't think rank matters all that much.
I hope you don't care about your ex's dating life in 8 months.
what the hell does no one get promoted to staff sgt in the corps? e7's in the army are plt sgts unless circumstances at the worst have a e6 then..but what do ur e6s and e7s do? nothing? welcome to the army, where date of rank, and tig means all!
It's hard to not care about her at all since we work at the same company. I really wish she would finish grad school and get another job somewhere dealing with her degree so I don't have to see her anymore.
Oh, you dipped your pen in the company ink.
and can I get a hot tub