New Social Thread

and can I get a hot tub
Or you could get sent to help the AZ border out and hang out with me~

Heh, those Mexicans wouldn't want to fuck with a three tour Marine my friend. I'm not trigger happy, but I have no problem or hesitation in unleashing the fury when the situation calls for it.

It'd be nice to check out Arizona, always wanted to go there and see the sights.

Btw, I talked to my unit's CO and company CO and evidently they're pretty pumped I'm coming over to their side. They have no one in their entire unit with combat experience and are talking about meritoriously (or whatever they call it in Army terms) promoting me to E5 and take over as platoon sergeant.

I don't even know what to think. At first I was like "hmm, that's cool" but then after thinking about it a bit more I'm not sure I want to come in as the hotshit former Marine who's going to run this show now. It wouldn't look good and it'd be kind of hard to earn the respect of everyone else. I may just lie low for a bit when I get there but do as much as I can teaching others what I've learned.
its like 250 points to get e5 anyways, shouldn't be hard to get as infantry. just gotta go to the board once and bam e5..but what a joke e5 plt sgt? bwahaha the fucking guard man
Most of the platoon sergeants in the Marine Corps infantry were sergeants, at least from my experience. But whatever, it's all about experience and knowledge anyways. I don't think rank matters all that much.