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I think the standards certain people have of what is an unhealthy weight are unrealistic. I'll pick on you Krampus. I think you should stop loosing weight right now because you'll start looking disgustingly gaunt and emaciated. Any woman over 5 feet in height should weigh 120 or more, IMO. As for myself, I'll admit 190 is too heavy (my beer gut is a daily reminder of this), but I wouldn't want to weigh less than 170.
Also, @ virus, I suffer from massive road rage. When people tailgate me, I tap the brakes. It pisses them off every time, and they always try to pass me. That's when I gun it and a full blown Fast And The Furious style street race erupts.
This is the right amount of big:

I think the standards certain people have of what is an unhealthy weight are unrealistic. I'll pick on you Krampus. I think you should stop loosing weight right now because you'll start looking disgustingly gaunt and emaciated. Any woman over 5 feet in height should weigh 120 or more, IMO. As for myself, I'll admit 190 is too heavy (my beer gut is a daily reminder of this), but I wouldn't want to weigh less than 170.
Also, @ virus, I suffer from massive road rage. When people tailgate me, I tap the brakes. It pisses them off every time, and they always try to pass me. That's when I gun it and a full blown Fast And The Furious style street race erupts.

I don't think I qualify for "disgustingly gaunt and emaciated" unless I have visible bones. As it stands I am still well padded, even fluffy in places, and I weigh 129 pounds. You will probably shake your head in disapproval to know that I would like to get down to about 115 pounds and wear a size 2, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

I'm also really surprised you have road rage. You seem like a non-road rage type.
Also, @ virus, I suffer from massive road rage. When people tailgate me, I tap the brakes. It pisses them off every time, and they always try to pass me. That's when I gun it and a full blown Fast And The Furious style street race erupts.

Stop driving like a blind senior citizen on vacation to a new locale to start with then.
You live in a metropolitan area, right? Then you know that people will ride your ass, even if you're driving 60 in a 35. Happens to me all the time, and it makes my blood boil. The only time I drive slow is if I'm baked.

I attempt to drive 5 over consistently, and I almost never have anyone ride my ass. Only time I see people speeding excessively like you describe is on beltline traffic in major cities, and in that case there are multiple lanes to allow traffic to flow around slower drivers.

What pisses me off in that situation is "lane discipline" or lack thereof, where you have someone driving the speed limit in the far right/middle lanes.
Fuck that chick is's a fucking shame we did'nt get a rear end view:( I would fuck her ass till the cows came home.Also it's a well known fact that if a dude/chick wants to lose some weight,no exercise is required only amphetamines,it's a reasonably easy and at times pleasurable diet!
Yeah it's a bit weird,it's really only good when you first have it and if it's ok stuff that is.The rest of it can go to hell(side effects),I got on it today for the first time in ages and I lost 8 hours somewhere doing fuckall then it's over.I agree,still good for weight loss though.I think Lemmy hit the nail on the head when he said 'the chase is better than the catch'.
heh. speaking of which, are you going to college?

Not any time soon. In about a year, if I progress properly in my job I should be making as much as my dad, and he has an MBA. I don't even quite have my Associates. College is highly overrated in this job market. Its about skills and experience.

The GI Bill is my backup plan if my job were to get axed.
I'm not into digging up old topics sooo

You must love getting your ass kicked by Koreans.

That's only just part of it. Starcraft is serious business here. Thousands of people have moved and continue to move from Korea so that their children can go to my high school. Basically the overall skill of everyone in my town is above that of most places in America. T_T