New Social Thread

Today, some of the jock guys from my English class walked into the bathroom while I was in the stall taking a shit. They had this very loud exchange about how one guy has herpes and stuck his dick on one of their asses, and how when he was tackled in football, blood came from his crotch. It took them a while to realize that it was possible that someone else was in the bathroom. They got all "omg, who the fuck is that?" and tried to look through the stall. I moved, and they most likely didn't see me. English is going to be so awkward tomorrow.
Has anyone ever been to far east Russia? The Wikipedia link machine brought me to Vladivostok and then Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk. Interesting architecture, and really an area of the world you don't ever hear anything about. With good reason due to the low population, but still interesting.
I lol'd when I read that krampus was happy over American Apparel being vomitted on. I don't even think there's any of those stores around here.
Probably just the idea that someone was happy about a store being vomitted on. :lol:
Devasya Chāyā;9460758 said:
Today, some of the jock guys from my English class walked into the bathroom while I was in the stall taking a shit. They had this very loud exchange about how one guy has herpes and stuck his dick on one of their asses, and how when he was tackled in football, blood came from his crotch. It took them a while to realize that it was possible that someone else was in the bathroom. They got all "omg, who the fuck is that?" and tried to look through the stall. I moved, and they most likely didn't see me. English is going to be so awkward tomorrow.

Being a dick to fat girls is really messed up considering girls a lot of the time can be really self-conscious as it is (hell I even know guys who get really offended if you call them fat and are obsessed with their physique and staying skinny but I think that's really fucking weak) but I can't take advantage of people. It's weird, I can be the biggest douchebag asshole in the universe in that I don't sugar coat anything and I say things straight to peoples faces but going out of your way to mess with a fat chick is pretty fucked (unless it is one of those super fat skanks that goes to parties/clubs/bars and tries to fuck everything that moves and wears the skimpiest outfits she can find; I've only met a couple of them but man they make me want to puke from their ridiculous ego).

Once in highschool I was going into the cafeteria with my friend and the door was pretty crowded so I was pushing my friend in yelling "MOVE OUT OF THE WAY YOU FAT FUCKING WHALE, YOU'RE TAKING UP THE WHOLE DOORWAY STOP TRYING TO BLOCK EVERYONE AND SAVE THE FOOD FOR YOURSELF" and then I looked 2 people ahead and it was a realllyyy fat girl from my grade and she looked devastated. I made sure I said another thing to my friend to point out that I was talking about him but man I felt shitty.
Honestly bros, if you've never nailed a fat broad you've never lived. Now, I'm not talking bitches with cheeseburgers popping out of every crack on their fatass bodies. No sir. I'm talking about pretty girls who happened to be large(r).

Don't knock it til you try it. :thumbsup:
I seem to drive more and more like an asshole as time goes on. Yesterday I was sitting at an intersection behind someone who was being obnoxiously cautious about pulling out into cross street traffic, so I decided to pull past them on the shoulder, cutting them off. Today I was going through a parking lot and some dude was lining up for a space really slowly, so I basically cut him off in his approach to get by him. I definitely pissed off both of these people.
People just need to learn to drive. With the amount of assholes that don't use their turn signals, I'm waiting for one to scream at me so I can reply "sorry, my telepathy's not working today, but you can try using your turn signal!"
Honestly bros, if you've never nailed a fat broad you've never lived. Now, I'm not talking bitches with cheeseburgers popping out of every crack on their fatass bodies. No sir. I'm talking about pretty girls who happened to be large(r).

Don't knock it til you try it. :thumbsup:

I'd rather fuck a fat dude with cheeseburgers popping out than a fat dude with no cheeseburgers popping out, honestly.

I agree with Enemy242. Should obese people get healthy? Yes. Is it our job to tell them that? No. Now that I'm definitely not fat I can't make self-deprecating fat comments or use terms like "landwhale" and "hambeast" without looking like a complete jackass.