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G'Daaay, I'm Satansfaaarkintoenail and I'm from faaarkin Oztraya mate, it's faaarkin great here, heapsa sunshoine n shit, faaarkin rippa food and fuckin VB Beer (the only beer) and the sheilas are well farkin rootable. We play Aussie faarkin rules footy here, fuckin none of this fuckin namby-pamby soccer bullshit or that farkin gridiron bullshit where cunts dress up in a fuckbunch of fuckin padding and ponce about like pooftas. I droive a fuckin Holden HQ One Tonne ute mate, it's got a fuckin 350 Chev in it and it goes a like a fuckin shower of shit mate. This is me in all my fuckin loveliness:

So that was awesome. The power went out last night in that apocalyptic Midwest storm and was off for 14 hours. I was actually wanting to do homework last night but baby Jesus said, "Fuck you for trying to do your homework ahead of time. I'll take your power away biatch!" It got pretty cold last night in the house, but was no big deal. It finally came on this morning after I had scrapped the inch thick ice cocoon off of my car. This is yet one of 582359825 reasons why I want to leave this shithole and move to Hawaii. Man I cannot wait.
Hello, I am Swedish. That means I have lots of sex with blonde supermodels and eat meatballs all day, listening to Abba whilst riding on the back of my very own tamed polar bear. Oh, and I'm also a socialist who likes mixing melody and death in the town of Gothenburg. When I use my cell phone (which is a SonyEricsson of course) I do not text people. I SMS them.

Also, I'm pretty damn proud of the fact that my language is the only language in the world that doesn't use the word 'sauna'.

Only a Swede could be the world's richest man, like it turned out Kamprad is, and drive around in this:


I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.
Only a Swede could be the world's richest man, like it turned out Kamprad is, and drive around in this:


I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

I think most 84 year old men seem to stick to the car they have if it's still running, however well off they are.
Against the better judgment of learning from our mistakes in meddling in the region in the past I would very much like to see a rigged election with a moderate (neither pro nor anti west) transitional candidate. Then after the moderate administration has a term to clean some things up and the people have a chance to mellow out after all this drama they can then elect whoever. Be it Islamic Brotherhood, socialist, communist, another dictator, pro west/business, whatever they want. It would be nice if the west could disengage themselves from the region, but we also don't want to see a hugely reactionary election take place that could potentially make the region even worse.
Egypt is gonna try to institute a democracy I'd imagine. And then those morons are gonna elect Hamas, who will institute Sharia law.
I got an email from Capital One today with a subject line that made me chuckle:

"Like us on Facebook for a chance to win NCAA Men's Final Four tickets!"