New Social Thread

dunno if this is the right thread but i finally got off my ass and started up my fitness youtube channel and blog. here's the first video from the youtube channel:

and the blog (it's on livejournal since i couldn't think of what else to use, if you have an lj add me? it seems like ljs are kinda for emos or teenage girls)
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dunno if this is the right thread but i finally got off my ass and started up my fitness youtube channel and blog. here's the first video from the youtube channel:

and the blog (it's on livejournal since i couldn't think of what else to use, if you have an lj add me? it seems like ljs are kinda for emos or teenage girls)

Are the gloves you're wearing the ones with wrist wraps for support or just regular fingertipless gloves?
dunno if this is the right thread but i finally got off my ass and started up my fitness youtube channel and blog. here's the first video from the youtube channel:

and the blog (it's on livejournal since i couldn't think of what else to use, if you have an lj add me? it seems like ljs are kinda for emos or teenage girls)

I'd suggest recording the audio separate from the video and dubbing over it. Nice, informative video though.
I decided unequivocally that I want to become an actuary, so I took the first step to becoming one and ordered study materials:



I'm sure I'll get more study materials as I go, but these are the main ones I need first. Calculus review should be fun as I almost failed AP Calculus way back in hike school
Given the current corporate clime with regard to pressing safety and accident reduction, Operational Risk Management is definitely a career field with room for growth.
With public pensions at risk due to municipal default, and 401ks being/have been evicerated by market losses, I don't think anyone should need calculus to figure out putting your money in someone else's hands is risky.
I may be out of the loop (kind of a recurring theme in my life) but, did Cyth get back with his ex? I saw his facebook profile pic has her in it and didnt want to be all like LOL WTF BRO YOU FUCKIN YOUR EX AGAIN?! on his page and whatnot, although I considered.

If so congrats brah, hopefully it works out this time.
which is why you should put your plan assets into an annuity and you don't have to worry about it!

I'll stick with commodities and other tangibles. "Financial instruments" are paper tricks so bankers can steal your money, or at the least the earning potential of your money. Land is normally the most solid investment, but lacks liquidity, plus land values are only headed down (at least in North America) in the near future so stearing clear for now. Waiting for the market to correct and the conflicts to blow up and over and clean up in the aftermath, assuming I survive.

Yes, I am hedging on "Armageddon", whether it be just financial (which is all but guarunteed at this point), or wider in scope. Thanks to the disagreeable weather around the world, food prices are set to explode, coinciding with record inflation.

Good time to have food and metal.