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Anyone else think the krampus hitting-on is getting excessive?

Probably, but I wasn't trying to. I had never seen Bathory clothing before in real life, and seeing it on an Asian of the opposite sex was triply surprising. The Asian thing alone probably would have warranted me posting it (although if it was a pasty acne-ridden white guy like the one that wears camo pants full of Darkthrone and Rotting Christ patches I probably wouldn't).
Damn rights! I'm getting out of this damn province
I've been here 8 months and I already fucking hate Quebecois. Fuck this shit.

Probably, but I wasn't trying to. I had never seen Bathory clothing before in real life, and seeing it on an Asian of the opposite sex was triply surprising. The Asian thing alone probably would have warranted me posting it (although if it was a pasty acne-ridden white guy like the one that wears camo pants full of Darkthrone and Rotting Christ patches I probably wouldn't).

Yeah, I didn't really think you were hitting on Krampus :p. I'm talking about Cronopio, who is getting kinda incessant. Also, I kinda get the impression that Krampus does not own a single piece of band merchandise.
Why the FUUUUUUUUUU would ANYONE wear a Bathory hoodie in NAVY BLUE? That just makes my skin crawl.

WAIF is right, I own very little band merchandise, just a couple shirts I pick up at concerts and stuff and the occasional sticker or button. Really old shit too, like a "Panopticon" tank top from when I saw Isis in 2004. I have an Iron Maiden shirt that I really love but it's way too big now and is almost unwearable. It seems pointless to amass lots of shirts/merch in Japan since I'll just have to pack them up in 6 months, but I am thinking about adding a few to my wardrobe when I move back to the U.S.
Breakfast for dinner is the BEST!

I have a kickass salad for lunch. Spinach, cheddar cheese, borlotti beans (the kind you make refried beans out of), mandarin orange slices, raisins, and sesame oil for dressing.
Why the FUUUUUUUUUU would ANYONE wear a Bathory hoodie in NAVY BLUE? That just makes my skin crawl.

WAIF is right, I own very little band merchandise, just a couple shirts I pick up at concerts and stuff and the occasional sticker or button. Really old shit too, like a "Panopticon" tank top from when I saw Isis in 2004. I have an Iron Maiden shirt that I really love but it's way too big now and is almost unwearable. It seems pointless to amass lots of shirts/merch in Japan since I'll just have to pack them up in 6 months, but I am thinking about adding a few to my wardrobe when I move back to the U.S.

ok i know we're pals and i'm sorry to do this but... i am obligated to join in the hit-ons this once:

pics of you in the tank top.
Best facebook status ever from one of my female friends: :kickass:
Whatever you give a woman, she will make it greater. Give her sperm, she will give you a baby. Give her a house, she will give you a home. Give her groceries, she will give you a meal. Give her a smile, she will give you her heart. She multiplies & enlarges what she is given. So if you give her crap, be ready to receive a ton of shit! Post on your wall if you agree...hope to see every female re-post !!!!
So after a grueling two months travelling back and forth between LA and Holland, I have finally been accepted into an Air Traffic Controller School in Holland. I went through 3 separate testing stages, all travel expenses paid for by the company. The success rate to become accepted after all the tests is about 20% so you can imagine the intensity of all these freakin tests.

The first testing phase which was in January involved a series of computer tests such as reaction tests, calculating distances from vectors etc, how well I see in 3D (having to fold a 2D cube which is way harder than it sounds), English proficiency tests, and severe multi-tasking tests.

Second testing phase which I attended to this week involved how well I work in group so I had to sit down with 3 other candidates and discuss an emergency situation where three planes needed to land immediately but you only had the capacity to safely land two of them. There was also a really fun exercise where we sat back-to-back and one person had to describe a drawing and the other person had to draw it. The picture I had to draw involved a bunch of gears but the guy didn't know how to say "gears" in English so he just called them circles. My picture looked like a reguritated Happy Meal and the instructors had a laugh about it afterwards.

Third test was a two hour interview which was easily the hardest and least fun part of all the testing phases. While I feel I nailed the actual talking part of the interview, the last part of it involved me having to go up to a whiteboard and solve all kinds of mathematical problems in front of a board of assessors. This was the first time in my life that I experienced Math Anxiety and it was fucking horrible. It was so bad that I thought I had lost the job FOR SURE. But lo and behold I called about an hour ago and they told me I was accepted!

tl,dr version: I got accepted into an amazingly difficult school to get into in Europe after a fuckton of tests.
That's awesome, congrats! Are there many non-dutch people in the program? Are you going to learn to read/speak dutch?

re: the math stuff, they probably weren't looking for right answers so much as to see how you approached the problems.