New Social Thread

So apparently

That's a Krampus,
Goddamn it Laura, we never knew...
Also, there's a band called Krampus on MA now.
I did not know that, and I took German back in the day. In fact I speak it fluently. But that monster thing is hella sexy, so I think the real Krampus better stand the fuck up and be counted, because competition is in the house y'all!
Spending my entire spring break studying for my 3rd fitness certification and playing videogames, now even moreso considering my brother and I finally built my new computer which is basically top of the fucking line and can run any game at 1920x1080 resolution with max graphic settings with 60fps (so far every game i've ran has been that way and I got 60 fps in crysis 2 at that res with the 2nd to highest graphics setting, good shit). so fucking nerdy and pathetic yet enjoyable. i either need to get a social life or keep studying and ride this out until i'm rich and can buy expensive shit and throw parties like a shallow insecure fuck. 2 pc's is nice though, i never realized the joy of downloading something on one while watching the simpsons on the other.
2 pc's is nice though, i never realized the joy of downloading something on one while watching the simpsons on the other.

Indeed, I fucking love it. Best part is being able to have chat programs, skype, etc going as well as internets while gaming.
Indeed, I fucking love it. Best part is being able to have chat programs, skype, etc going as well as internets while gaming.

Yeah i'm really getting into it although the one fault is i have one pair of speakers which means i have to go back and forth plugging them in between 2 computers (not the end of the world but definitely a pain in the ass for a couple days until i get new speakers). one other nice thing is i can use the crappy computer for random everyday stuff and programs and blah blah while the other computer is used just for gaming so it doesn't get cluttered up and start to suck as fast.
kitty made it through the night. she's not remarkably better, but she's alive.
Glad to hear, hope she gets better.

It's so hard going through that stuff because pets become family members and a great friend.

I've had my brothers cat for 6 months and I've already become extremely attached to it.
I did not know that, and I took German back in the day. In fact I speak it fluently. But that monster thing is hella sexy, so I think the real Krampus better stand the fuck up and be counted, because competition is in the house y'all!

I am not worried. I am planning to go to the Krampusnacht festival in Austria in early December before I turn 30. My costume will be "North Korean Communist Krampus" and I am going to win and be way more awesome than this loser:

I wish I spoke German fluently, sigh. I could study hard and become better but that takes effort.

That's actually leftover from the early days hehe.

:lol: right on

Got pretty fucked up on speed yesterday night. I met a nice girl who really was interesting and had many interesting things to say. But damn, once she snuffed some speed she was lagging frequently when speaking. That turned me off, although I was hyped myself.

Then again I wouldn't get a boner anyway.

If it weren't dangerous, I would be on speed all the time. I love that "getting stuff done" feeling.

I've never done speed but you gotta be careful with that stuff, or any drug for that matter with the word amphetamine in it. Although, iirc the risk of oding on speed is relatively low but it can still have some crazy psychological affects.

Speaking of drugs, I went on a mission of hunting down all of my old drug suppliers looking for DMT. Most of them had never even heard of it, and the ones who did said, "I have no idea where to get that, but good luck." Of course I responded with, "what kind of fucking drug dealer are you man?" haha Anyways, I'm thinking about just making it myself.
so my cat died today :( I came home from work, and she wasn't looking too good. labored breathing. body was cold. called my mom, and she said take her to the vet. took her to the vet, and the vet said there wasn't anything they could do. I called my mom, and we agreed to put her to sleep. While I was waiting there for my mom, the doctor and tech were trying to adjust my cat and make her more comfortable, and that's when she died. I watched her tense up, let out a last meow and go. it was pretty bad

so yeah. cried. sad. my mom was a mess when she got there. just kind of numb and stoic right now. we spent a good deal of time with her before we left her at the vet to be cremated. then we came home and started cleaning

this is the part I hate about having pets. jesus :(